Wonderful Week!

What a great week we have had in LKS2 this week!

We began the week by setting up our scientific experiment, to investigate the impact of different substances on our teeth. We did this by covering eggs in different liquids – coke; milk; water; and orange juice. We looked at the results yesterday and looking at the reactions of the egg shells, it is safe to say that coke and orange juice are not good for your teeth! We have to make sure we brush our teeth well after drinking them!

We continued our learning about how to make Doncaster more healthy, with an expert visitor – Mr Price a paramedic. The children had lots of great questions and were fascinated by what Mr Price had to say.

We are looking forward to what more we will learn next week!

We will see you all on Tuesday!

Mrs Graves


Practising PE with Year 4

We have been developing our sporty skills this afternoon in Year 4.
Miss Lotysz, Mrs Pass and I were really impressed with the way children were working on improving the accuracy of their throwing and catching. There was also some great critique to help each other improve.

It would be really helpful if children could bring PE kits to school on Monday and leave them for the week, especially with our current expedition about health.

Have a lovely bank holiday weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday.

Mrs Graves


LKS2 investigate ‘How clean are your teeth?’

We have had a great week in LKS2 this week learning all about our teeth.

In English we have been comparing diary entries, looking at an extract from ‘A poo, a gnu and you’ and ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’. When then wrote our own diary entries around visiting the dentist.

In Expedition, we have learnt the names and functions of the different teeth, as well as what a tooth is made from – but best of all, we investigated how clean our teeth are using disclosing tablets – that created a few giggles!

Hopefully parents, you won’t have a battle getting the children to clean their teeth this weekend!

Mrs Graves


NSPCC Number day

On Friday 7th May we are going to be celebrating NSPCC Number day. We will be focusing on number and other maths throughout the day. We would like children to dress up in something related to number if they so wish.

I am looking forward to seeing the different creations.

Mrs Price


What a Wonderful World

Before Easter we completed our expedition by recording our Plover version of the song ‘What a Wonderful World!’ We will be using this in the celebration of our Spring Expedition in May but we thought you would like a sneak peak. You can watch it on Youtube here:

We have also completed giant collaborative artwork for our final product, The Great Wave.

We decided to delay celebrating our expedition until all children had returned to school, to ensure that they could all contribute to the Final Product- I am so glad we did as the result is fantastic.

Mrs Graves


Wonderful World Book Day

It has been a week since World Book Day, and I thought it would be lovely to look back and remember what a great day it was.

The website has been updated with photographs, so head over there if you want to linger over the pictures a little longer.

But for a whistle-stop tour of the day, check out our video…..

Mrs Graves


Wonderful World Book Day

We had a great day celebrating books at Plover. There were all sorts of characters walking around from Gangsta Granny to Mr and Mrs Twit; Mary Poppins and Wonky Donkey; Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in Grandma’s clothing- plus lots, lots more!

We had lots of potato photos for the potato character competition and some great reviews on the Padlet – check out the books that have been recommended – they are bound to make you LOL!

Our Masked Reader competition was very popular – well done to Harper in 4G for correctly identifying all 20 of the Masked Readers

We have lots of photos of the day so check out our World Book Day Website for many more: https://sites.google.com/ploverschool.co.uk/ploverworldbookday2021/home

Wonderful Book Week!

This week, we are celebrating books and reading, ending with our very own World Book Day event.

Have a look at the Plover World Book Day website for fabulous competitions, links to brilliant books and fantastic ideas to help you celebrate World Book Day!

Find out more about this year’s Books for £1, to help you plan how to spend your voucher.

Check back every day to join in with our Masked Reader competition and add your book reviews to Padlet.



Mrs Graves


Plover school sharing the love 💗

I am so proud of all of the children who contributed to the Santander ‘thank key workers’ valentines display. This is the display so far and I am sure you will all agree, it looks beautiful! Keep an eye out for the video of all the contributions, which will be coming very soon! Well done everyone!
-Miss Blackham
