Celebration Of Learning

I am so incredibly proud of all of the F1 children that took part in our celebration of learning today. You performed the dance you have been working hard to learn, absolutely beautifully, and did some amazing singing.
The EYFS children were very excited to be presented with their recycling sticker, for their bin’s at home, displaying their gorgeous artwork.

Look out for our recycling stickers on bin day, as you walk around Intake. Mines already on my bin at home – I hope yours is too!

Miss Wood


Celebration of Learning in F2

The children had so much fun celebrating our expedition and revealing our final product. We brought the seaside to us and invited our parents. Everyone spoke really clearly, showed our beautiful work, sang, played music and danced. We even had a little jam sandwich picnic- just like at the seaside. So many parents said how lovely it was and we are all so proud of our children. What a great way to celebrate together! We look forward to seeing the amazing stickers, the children created, around the community on your blue bins!

We are Zulu dancers!

Today, year 4 had some special guests all the way from South Africa to help us prepare for the upcoming Festival of the Arts at XP school. They taught us a traditional Zulu dance and some songs to perform for the event. The kids did an amazing job joining in and had the opportunity to ask some sensible questions at the end. Well done!

Miss Brown


Sponsored Sing A Thon

As an EYFS team we are really proud of everybody who took part in our sponsored sing a thon today! Hopefully we will have raised lots of money towards our expedition, to buy books for reading for pleasure within our school, kiddiewinks and DRI children’s ward. Thank you so much to everybody that has sponsored their child! Don’t forget you have until next Friday to fetch in your sponsor money. Here is a beautiful video of your child enjoying their sponsored sing a thon, singing all the fabulous nursery rhymes we have learnt.

Miss Wood, Mrs Bubb, Mrs Price & Mrs Renwick
