3SG Wildlife Park Field Trip

We had a fantastic time on Thursday at the Wildlife Park.

The Polar Bear Workshop was really informative and it was great to get ‘hands-on’ with a polar bear skull, claws and footprints.

We then saw the real life polar bears – they were huge and tucking into their breakfast!

As a lucky bonus we also got a glimpse of the baby rhino – it was so cute, but didn’t stay out for long – I think we scared it off, as we were so excited to see it!!

The field trip will really help us with our writing – so look out for our persuasive texts!

We would love for you to join us next week on the 13th March at 1:30, when we put into action what we have learnt in our ‘Activism March’ to save the polar bears!

I was very proud of how the children behaved on what was a long and tiring day.

Mrs Graves


Yesterday in the rain

The rain didnā€™t stop F2 yesterday! We put our waterproofs and wellies on and out we went for the afternoon. We jumped in puddles, we made mud pies, we climbed, we emptied the water from the sand pit. No rain: No rainbows!

Building Habitats: Protecting our Planet!

Key Stage 1 have been learning about the importance of plants and trees to our planet but also about how they provide habitats for birds and other wildlife. Today, we started work on our final product for our expedition. Using our experts from the Council, we have planted 5 fruit trees to create a mini-orchard and also many different types of plants to create a hedgerow along the boundary of the fence.

We learnt about how to care for our newly planted saplings and also how we can protect them whilst they are still establishing themselves in their new home. We can’t wait to see how they grow and develop in the months and years to come. Hopefully, one day, we will have apples, pears, cherries and plums to eat!

The trees and hedges were kindly provided by the Tree Council as part of their Orchards for Schools project.


The Tree Council Website

Forest Schools

Today Heather and Lesley came to visit as experts in ‘what you would find if you took a stroll in Autumn’. We learned about leaves changing colour and falling from the trees, about nature slowing down ready for winter, about conkers being seeds and falling further from branches that are higher up and of course, toasting marshmallows on the fire! It was wet but wonderful!


Forest School

Wow what an amazing day we have had doing Forest Schools today, we didnā€™t let the rain stop us! The children have loved learning about campfires, toasting marshmallows and making Autumnal pictures.

Miss Wood


Woodland Walk

Today, we went to the woods. We found some leaves, conkers and conker husks. It felt warm like summer and we could not find any red leaves. We talked about why the leaves change colour and maybe they will change colour as it gets colder. We have set the children a challenge to find some pine cones, acorns and red leaves over the half term holiday. Here are some pictures of us searching for signs of Autumn and playing tiggy scarecrow.