Category : P31
F2BP Pride of Plover
Congratulations to Sophia who gained our Pride of Plover today. Sophia has had a fantastic week and has built a lovely beanstalk with Jack climbing up. Well done Sophia.
Mrs Price

Using a knife and fork
The children enjoyed making beans on toast this morning. They practiced spreading the spread and then using their knife and fork to eat their beans on toast. Some children found it tricky but they tried really hard.
Mrs Price
It’s ‘bean’ a busy afternoon
In expedition this afternoon, we shared different thoughts about what we can do with beans. The children named various types of beans. We noticed beans can be different colours and shapes. Then we made some delicious beans on toast and discussed how beans are healthy for our bodies. We used our knife and fork skills to cut up the toast and before we ate “fork to stick and pick, knife to cut and scrape”. We of course tidied and cleaned up after ourselves! #LovePlover
Jack and the Beanstalk Maths
This week, we consolidated our learning on careful counting. Today, we are looked at how we could make 8! In our maths meeting we have started to count aloud in 2s so later in the week ,we will play being the giant and count in 2s to count his 2p coins.
Creative Small World
A huge shout out to Ada, Koby, Eymen, Boston and Larah-Jean. It was lovely to see them construct, collaborate and share positive conversations with each other in provision to create their spectacular small world city. It included plants, trees, animals, towers, houses, airports, aeroplanes, farms, schools and roads! #LovePlover
Jack climbed the beanstalk
Sophia made Jack climbing the beanstalk. She used different skills and made the house for the beanstalk to grow out of. Well done Sophia. You showed amazing learning.
Mrs Price
Teddy Bear Rolls
In gymnastics today, we continued to explore floor movements. We practised teddy bear rolls and some children were able to complete forward rolls too. Others need to continue working on their rocking and teddy bear rolls to help develop with their forwards roll. #LovePlover
Drawing Flowers
As part of our final product children will be creating some beautiful art work for their wildflower seed packets. This afternoon we created a model and then the children practiced drawing their flower pictures! #LovePlover

What do plants need?
The children shared some great answers and recognised that we need to care for plants, putting seeds in soil, letting them have space to grow, exposure to air and water, sunlight and warmth. #LovePlover
7 little ducks went swimming one day
Today in maths we were thinking of the different ways that we could make 7. In provision the children demonstrated how they could make 7.
Mrs Price