Y3/4/5 Afterschool Football Tournament Tomorrow at Plover

Just a reminder to the Y3/4/5 children who received letters for the football tournament afterschool tomorrow. (Y3 Samuel, Lamar, Atlas, Ralph, Theo, Cassius, Avianna, Emma, Jarvis. Y4 Darcy, Olivia J, Ryley, Roscoe, Luke, Kodish, Mitchell, Lucas, Ellie, Violet. Y5 Tim, Cameron, Shayen, Sumit, Tommy W, Darwin, Johnny, Kai, Eifa, Nemrut)

Can all children bring football boots and shinpads.

It will be on the Plover field 3.30pm – 4.45pm.


Mr Meade

Sports for Champions Fundraising Money

Good Evening Plover Crew

Just a final reminder for children to bring in their sponsorship money this week please, for the Plover Sports for Champions campaign!

The money raised will fund part of the Elite Athlete visit and help to build fundings for our Plover children for future sports equipment, experiences and opportunities for our school. 

If all sponsorship forms and money (cash) can be handed in by Friday 5th July please! .

Thanks a lot,

Mr Meade #LovePlover

We can plan and carry out a fair test!

Over the last couple of weeks, Years 3 and 4 have been working as scientists and experimenting with states of matter: trying to find out if temperature affects the rate at which matter changes state. Our final task was to investigate the quickest way for Mr Wonka to create his chocolate river if all of the chocolate he has only exists in solid form.

Here we are, trying to think of different ways Mr Wonka could try to melt his chocolate…I wonder which location or method worked the best and melted the chocolate the quickest?

Now to consider our findings and draw conclusions for Mr Wonka!

Mrs Haycock


Plover Sports for Champions Fundraising Reminder

Hi Plover Crew

In a couple of weeks we have, local sporting inspiration, Jason Cunningham visiting us on Tuesday 9th July!

We are all going to enjoy training like a champion and want to know who will be Plover’s fundraising Sports Champion?

Just a gentle reminder for all sponsorship money (big or small) to be handed into class teachers by next Friday 5th July the latest please 🙂

If you need another sponsorship form please ask your class teacher for one. #LovePlover