Y3/4/5 Afterschool Football Tournament Tomorrow at Plover

Just a reminder to the Y3/4/5 children who received letters for the football tournament afterschool tomorrow. (Y3 Samuel, Lamar, Atlas, Ralph, Theo, Cassius, Avianna, Emma, Jarvis. Y4 Darcy, Olivia J, Ryley, Roscoe, Luke, Kodish, Mitchell, Lucas, Ellie, Violet. Y5 Tim, Cameron, Shayen, Sumit, Tommy W, Darwin, Johnny, Kai, Eifa, Nemrut)

Can all children bring football boots and shinpads.

It will be on the Plover field 3.30pm – 4.45pm.


Mr Meade

Free School Meals Summer Camp


Bikeability Training in Y5

It was great to see so many Y5 children learning about safety and the basics of cycling today. Some of the children will advance onto street cycling tomorrow.

A big shout out to Morris, who grew in confidence when riding a bike for the first time this morning! #LovePlover