Hinduism and Buddhism in 3SG

For our faith day learning, we were first introduced to Hinduism where we learned about the origins of the religion. We recalled our Geographical skills to identify which countries have large populations of this global faith, then completed some reading activities to firm our understanding. We then continued by looking at how Hindu people worship in and out of their homes, comparing the differences.

Later, we were introduced to Buddhism and completed a fact file on what we had learnt about the religion as well as their manners of worship in temples.

Well done all!

TromsĆø and Intake D&T Box Models

We were design technologists last week and compared our local community of Intake, Doncaster to TromsĆø in Norway. The children crafted together physical features like fjords, valleys, mountains, waterfalls to represent TromsĆø. Then human features such as roads, roundabouts, shops, flats and Plover Primary school that we have in Intake. #LovePlover

Fantastic Year 1 Trip to the Deaf School

Year 1 have been absolutely brilliant today, showing kindness, respects and wonderful HoWLS during their visit to the Deaf School. We have completed a local community field work study, working with specialist local partners within our community and developing lots of skills and knowledge about our local community! I am sure the children will be able to teach you a few BSL signs when they get home. Thank you to all the teachers and children of the Deaf School who were awesome experts! #LovePlover

Aerial view!

2P have been learning how aerial views can be used to draw maps. We used an aerial image of our school and then used a ruler and pencils to carefully draw the lines to create our own map. We added some labels and some symbols. We did a great job! Take a look at David’s beautiful work:


Human or Physical?

2P has been learning about the two main types of Geography; human and physical. We now know the difference between each different type. We then used our skills to identify these features in locations around Doncaster. We concluded that Doncaster is mainly made up of human features but we agreed we need more physical features as well!


Messy maps!

2P have been learning about the difference between aerial views and aerial plans. We used this knowledge to make ‘messy maps’ of our classroom using different resources. It was really tricky trying to remember to look down from the ceiling but after much grappling, we began to create the shapes we needed. Great geography work 2P!


1M Fieldwork Hook around Intake

Our day two hook was an active walk through Intake, our local community. We explored some of Intakes landmarks and found out some historic information about Danum Secondary School, Sandall Beat Woods, Doncaster Racecourse and Doncaster Deaf Trust. Thank you to the parent helpers for your support and well done to all of the children who walked, talked, asked and answered lots of questions – linking to our previous expeditions as well as our current expedition!