It’s ‘bean’ a busy afternoon

In expedition this afternoon, we shared different thoughts about what we can do with beans. The children named various types of beans. We noticed beans can be different colours and shapes. Then we made some delicious beans on toast and discussed how beans are healthy for our bodies. We used our knife and fork skills to cut up the toast and before we ate “fork to stick and pick, knife to cut and scrape”. We of course tidied and cleaned up after ourselves! #LovePlover

Parts of a Plant

Yesterday we looked at the different parts of a plant. We learnt how a plant grows from a seed into a seedling, then sprouts into a stem, grows leaves and the bud then opens to create the flower. #LovePlover

What do plants need to grow?

Today we have been scientists and learnt what plants need to grow. We discussed if we need the same/different things to help us grow.
Shout out to Aaron this morning who said ā€œplants and children are both living thingsā€.

This afternoon we acted out how plants grow with Mrs Bubb. We started of as the tiny seed, and grew into a beautiful plant. We remembered that the roots go down and the shoots go up.

Mrs Williams

Am I an insulator or a conductor?

We have been working hard to investigate different materials; finding out if they are insulators or conductors. Then we have used our scientific knowledge to work as writers and produce a full scientific report.

Keep your curiosity growing folks and the conductors will keep the electricity flowing!

Mrs Haycock


We know how switches affect circuits!

It was so good to see the excitement and pride in everyoneā€™s faces when they were able to build a simple circuit with a switch to turn a lightbulb on and off! The pictures show how the children felt about their learning much better than any words I could use, so take a look at the slideshow belowā€¦

Well done everyone. Iā€™ll make scientists out off all of you before the end of this expedition! I hope you are enjoying the subject as much as I do. #ScienceRocks!

Mrs Haycock


Brushing Teeth Experiment

Over the weekend the children were given a dental disclosing tablet – a fun and important experiment for children to understand and see the important of brushing and keeping all their teeth clean! What a cool toothbrush Ada has, it flashes red for 2 minutes so she knows that she has been brushing for the correct amount of time. Check out some of our gleaming smiles!

Planting in Y2

In Y2 we have been checking in on our planting experiments from last week. The seeds we watered had started to grow but the one without sunlight did not look very healthy. The ones we planted without water have not done anything at all. The children’s predictions were correct, plants need water, sun and the correct temperature to grow healthy and strong.

It was great to see some children’s cress plants come back into class so we could see how they had grown. Well done to our green-fingered classmates!

Mrs Lewis
