We are artists

The children started to immersed our classroom today after learning about our guiding question – what happens within the castle walls?

They have drawn some super dragons and designed some personal coat of arms!


Thank you and Happy Summer

A huge shout out to Crew Meade you have been the best crew ever!

Thank you to Year 1 families and children for your generous gifts, I love them all and are very much appreciated!

Thanks you to all Plover staff who have supported with Y1 this year!

Finally, thank you and good bye to Miss Newton and Miss Barker you have been fab teachers in KS1 this year!

Have a safe but lovely summer holiday! See you in 5 week #LovePlover

1M schools “nearly” out!

1M you have been a dream! I have loved teaching and spending time with everyone single one of you this year… you have all grown in so many ways! Just a little something for all my superstars. #LovePlover #1Mof2022

KS1 Celebration of Learning-Wednesday

Good morning KS1,

Just a reminder that on Wednesday morning 9.30-10.30am is KS1’s Celebration of Learning. If all grown ups come through the main reception as the CoL will be in the main hall!

It will be a nice way for our children to reflect on our expedition and end the year! They will be selling their final product prospectus for Ā£1 and bringing home all this years learning books! #LovePlover

Proud Mrs Ogle

We have ended the year with some wonderful writing and these children (Atlas, Mason, Elian, Hasty and Theo), visited Mrs Ogle and Mr Butler to show their beautiful acrostic poems! #LovePlover

Beautiful work new 1M

Avaarni and Alec made an incredible castle for a King and Princess. Alec said “I’m a rich king!”

Harper did some beautiful independent writing about her new teacher and friends!

Then all the children finished of their awesome DOT artwork, adding detail for the whole school mural! #LovePlover