Danum Read Aloud Competition

After a rigorous round of heats and a highly competitive semi-final, our Read Aloud Finalists really did themselves proud!

Reading the openings from a variety of books, they performed in front of the KS2 children with great confidence and to a very high standard.

It was a very difficult decision to choose a winner but I am very pleased to announce that Johnny Connor in 5M was selected to represent our school at the Doncaster Final later in March at the Danum Museum and Art Gallery.

Good Luck Johnny, I am sure you will be great!

Mrs Graves


Rosa Parks

The children in 2P discussed the concept of race and racism. First we discussed the life of Rosa Parks and how she suffered years of discrimination and segregation.

Next, we discussed how people all have similarities and differences but at times some people will not be kind because of the differences. 

Through drama, role play and discussions we worked out what would be seen as racism and what wouldn’t. The children then linked this to the life of Rosa Parks and realised that, at times, some people will not be kind because of the differences. 

We used our knowledge to create a short piece of drama that reenacted the story of Rosa Parks on the bus. You can watch this here:


Inequality and Racism Roleplay

We have learnt about inequality and racism during this Rosa Parks topic. Recognising that it is unfair, unkind and inhumane to treat people different because of the colour of their skin, gender, disability, if they wear glasses or not etc.