Coding abstract art in 5L

5L had so much fun this morning learning how to create art through coding in their computing lesson. I was so impressed with how they created some complex algorithms to create a repeating colourful pattern. The children were really engaged and seemed to enjoy how they could be creative in different ways. Iā€™m so looking forward to seeing what they can do next week!


Miss Wood

Computing in Year 1

1C had a great time this afternoon learning how to code in computing. All children were able to create different algorithms to move their characters across a screen. They also learnt how to create different backdrops and had an amazing time experimenting to see what else they could make their characters do.


Miss Wood

Kahoot Quiz in Expedition

Continuing our expedition knowledge about The Great Fire of London, the children loved the competitive quiz we did in our history lesson, using Samuel Pepys diaries to find the answers.

Well done to Oliver, Peyton and Alex who were our medalists 10crew coins! #LovePlover

Bird Crafts in 1M

1M have been busy today and have worked hard making saltdough birds, acorn bird feeders, bird hats/masks and painted different birdies! They then enjoyed some time on the ipads playing on the educational games. #LovePlover

Hook Animation in 1B

We have had an amazing day in 1B today. As part of our new expedition, Ready, Steady, Grow: How can I be the healthiest version of me?, our crew have been creating 3D peppers using DT techniques and have created their own musical note.

However, this afternoon the children have been even more amazing. They have become animators! Each mini-crew has worked together to create an animated clip showing how bees move pollen from one flower to another.

They are absolutely amazing!

Debugging a program

Year 5 have been debugging programs this morning on Scratch. Mrs Robertsonā€™s slides challenged the children to run the code then identify the error. They then had to correct the code to enable the program to run properly.