Faith day in 4B

Today, the children have worked hard to learn about two new religions (Hinduism and Buddhism) and their Holy books (the four Vedas and the Tripitaka). It was great to see their enthusiasm and respect for learning about different religions. Well done 4B!

Miss Brown


Free School Meals Summer Camp

4B sports day

Sports day in 4B last week. Well done to those children who took part, were resilient and a good sportsman. Never forget, it’s all about taking part, trying your best and having fun!

Miss Brown


4Bs got talent!

massive shout out to the children in 4B who were brave enough to take part in yesterdays ‘Plover’s got talent!’ You all did amazing and should be incredibly proud of yourself! Well done!

Miss Brown


Plover’s Sports for Champions 2024 – Jason Cunningham

A huge thank you to former international boxing champion Jason Cunningham of Doncaster! Inspiring the next generation and putting all the Plover sporting champions through their paces.

Thank you to all families who raised money for our Plover Sports for Champions campaign! A big congratulations to the winning fundraisers Ruby-Ann, Karlie-Rose and Noah. Enjoy your active prizes!

We raised an incredible £875.19! #LovePlover