Preparing to answer the guiding question.

3SG have been working hard to recall their learning from our summer term expedition, putting together notes on a poster that will help them to answer it in writing. We recalled our learning from the DT, History and Science case studies, supporting ourselves with some visual help ready to write up.

LKS2 Chocolatey Celebration of Learning

Thank you for doing us at our Celebration of Learning on Friday.

It is amazing to reflect on how much we have covered this term as we listen to the children talking about it and went through the exercise books.

I think the singing was the most beautiful performance we have ever had and the final product went down a treat!

Thank you to Mrs Williams (Julianna’s Mum) for taking the basket of goodies to the Care Home.

Mrs Graves


Fantastic Year 1 Trip to the Deaf School

Year 1 have been absolutely brilliant today, showing kindness, respects and wonderful HoWLS during their visit to the Deaf School. We have completed a local community field work study, working with specialist local partners within our community and developing lots of skills and knowledge about our local community! I am sure the children will be able to teach you a few BSL signs when they get home. Thank you to all the teachers and children of the Deaf School who were awesome experts! #LovePlover

Deaf School Visit

Year 2 were kindly invited to the Deaf School to support us with our learning for our Expedition. We were introduced to some of the children at the school and then we had to use their signing names to see if we could work out something about their personality. We did really well! Then we used some of the signs we had already learnt in school, along with some new ones, to play colour bingo. We had to focus hard because there weren’t any audio prompts. We had to watch and pay attention! Our last activity was learning to finger spell simple words and then to use the sign for that object. We have just started learning this in school so it was brilliant to get a chance to practice it!

We all had a brilliant time and learnt a lot. We all said thank you to the Deaf School for hosting us.


We have been building background knowledge in 6B!

6B have been building background knowledge today as part of our new Expedition ā€˜How can a healthy lifestyle impact our body and mind?ā€™. We dived into our history case study and started to research the Egyptians. The children then transferred their new found knowledge onto a double page spread! Keep checking our blog to see what we get up to as part of our new Expedition!

-Miss Blackham


Diverse Doncaster – Where do I belong?

Last Friday 2P went to the Danum Gallery, Library and Museum and had a wonderful time finding out about Doncaster in the past. The children enjoyed handling artefacts and finding out more about Doncaster through the ages.

The children were a real credit to Plover and we were so proud of them. A great big thank you to all the adults who came with us.

Where do we belong?

2L had a fabulous visit to Doncaster Museum where we learnt more about the place that we call our home. We explored many different parts of Doncasterā€™s history and learnt about why Doncaster is famous all over the world. We handled and explored artefacts during our workshop and then looked around the museum to see how Doncaster fitted into the world. We were amazed to see that people from all over the world lived in Doncaster nearly 2000 years ago!

We were so excited by what we had learnt that we all want to go back again! Our brains are now full of knowledge to use in our Expedition!


1M Fieldwork Hook around Intake

Our day two hook was an active walk through Intake, our local community. We explored some of Intakes landmarks and found out some historic information about Danum Secondary School, Sandall Beat Woods, Doncaster Racecourse and Doncaster Deaf Trust. Thank you to the parent helpers for your support and well done to all of the children who walked, talked, asked and answered lots of questions – linking to our previous expeditions as well as our current expedition!

Back to the Past!

The children really enjoyed their first day back at school and looked amazing in their outfits from the past. We used this to explore vocabulary about the past, present and future and compared sources of information to spot similarities and differences.

We also used our expert visitor who used a drone to show us parts of Doncaster as seen from the air! It was really exciting to get a new perspective on our community.

We are all ready to get stuck into our new expedition!
