Our key stage two children spread the Christmas festivities at Intake Library this afternoon by singing Christmas carols to our local community.
Category : UKS2 Blog
Circuits in 6B
6B had a great time grappling with circuits this afternoon. Each group successfully created a working circuit, lighting their bulbs and even powered their propellors. They linked this learning to their current expedition by noticing how solar power is used in space exploration. Great work 6B!
Awesome home learning in UKS2

These superstars were so proud when sharing their beautiful home learning in community crew this morning. We love to see all the awesome work our 5 & 6’s get up to at home. 10 crew coins to you all! Keep up the hard work.
-Miss Blackham
Researching the Sun in 6B
This afternoon 6B did a great job in their expedition lesson researching lots of facts about the Sun and collaborating everything they learnt into these beautiful posters! Keep it up!
Year 5 and 6 building crew
To build on our crew character traits, we undertook some team building and problem solving activities this afternoon as we got to know our phase crews better. Well done for working hard to solve the various tasks and challenges! We have more in store tomorrow!