Coding abstract art in 5L

5L had so much fun this morning learning how to create art through coding in their computing lesson. I was so impressed with how they created some complex algorithms to create a repeating colourful pattern. The children were really engaged and seemed to enjoy how they could be creative in different ways. Iā€™m so looking forward to seeing what they can do next week!


Miss Wood

A reminder of Year 5ā€™s dress up day- tomorrow!

On Monday 15th April Year 5 will kick start their summer expedition ‘how does a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?’ by immersing into their history case studies and becoming Egyptians for the day. We would love children to come dressed as Egyptians. We are encouraging parents to make use of any items they already have to avoid purchasing anything new. We hope the ideas above will help. If you are struggling for ideas, please see your child’s class teacher.

-Miss Blackham


Faith Day in 6B

6B had a lovely afternoon during ‘Faith Day’. The children studied Judaism and how Jewish people celebrate Yom Kippur. We looked at what happens during Yom Kippur and how it represents a day of atonement where Jewish people ask for forgiveness for any wrongdoings and make pledges. With this in mind, the children then made their own cards to apologise to anyone they felt they had wronged, or pledges of how to be the best versions of themselves.
