Easter donations to raise funds for Year 6 leavers

We are asking for donations for an Easter raffle to raise funds for Year 6 leavers events. We would be so grateful for any sweet/chocolate donations including Easter eggs. If you could kindly pass on any donations to (myself) Miss Blackham in 6B.

Year 6’s will start to sell raffle tickets for Ā£1 a strip after half-term.

Thank you so much for your support!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 half term revision challenge!

For every three pages of revision Year 6 pupils complete in their CPG books, children will receive a raffle ticket. If they receive five raffle tickets they will win an Easter egg on return to school.

Your childā€™s class teacher will sign-post the children to complete pages that are relevant to their areas of development.

We are so proud of how hard our Year 6ā€™s are working and their determination to extend their learning at home!

-Miss Blackham


Safer Internet Day

Today is safer Internet day and in year 6 we have been learning about scams and how to spot a scam online.

We looked at different scenarios and decided whether we thought they were scams or not and why. We then looked at phishing and how to spot whether something is phishing for information. Finally, we looked at a profile and decided whether the profile was secure and what they could do to make it safer.

Working hard in 6B

So proud of these superstars! They have been desperate to show their hard work to everybody this morning. Both girls managed to get on to the additional stretch challenges today which was part of their academic pledge this week!

Keep smashing it girlies!

-Miss Blackham


We are historians

In Year 6 we have been looking at women’s rights and the fight for equality. The girls were shocked to see how little say they would have had in so many decisions. We conducted a debate as to why men and women should have equal rights.

UKS2 Pride of Plover winners

A shout out to these superstars who were our Pride of Plover winners this week. We are so proud of you!

Our spring booster prize for Year 6!

We are so proud of those children who are attending boosters each morning. We wanted to share our latest prize for those children who attend 95% or more of booster sessions with a McDonalds breakfast on the last day of this term.

Boosters run from 8:20 each morning and consist of independent maths on a Monday, teacher led SPaG on a Tuesday, teacher led reading on a Wednesday and small focus group maths on a Thursday. It would be amazing to see ALL year 6 pupils attending these sessions.

-Miss Blackham


Building our crew

As part of Motivation Monday, Year 5&6 pupils had to write unknown facts about themselves to place in the centre of the circle. They then each took it in turns to guess who had written the fact. In our debrief, we discussed how we had learnt a lot about people we thought we already knew quite well and we then linked this to sharing what type of ā€˜learnerā€™ we all are so we can support one anotherā€™s styles academically.

-Miss Blackham
