Save the date- Jubilee celebrations (Thursday 26th May 1:30pm) you are all invited!


-Miss Blackham


Sugar, Slavery and Servants!

We have had a great day looking round the gardens and Hall at Brodsworth.
Despite the rain, we tired the gardens completing our sculpture trail.

Then we followed the treasure hunt round the great houses learning about all the connections to the slave trade.

The hall is filled with amazing furniture, artwork and decorations and we were surprised at how much mahogany was used.We learnt some fascinating facts along the way too!

I am so proud of the behaviour of the children during the visit and especially how they didn’t let the rain dampen their spirits.

I’m sure the other classes will have an equally great time when they visit tomorrow!

Mrs Graves



This morning we listened to Ant and Dec launch the #take10toread campaign. This campaign is organised by the National Literacy Trust to encourage children to take 10 minutes every day to spend some time on their wellbeing and doing something that they enjoy – which could be reading.

They were launching their new book “Propa Happy” to promote positive mental health and all their proceeds go to the NSPCC.

They told us about a competition that the children can do at school or at home, to draw an illustration of something that makes them happy. We started in school, but the children can finish off their designs at home and I will enter any that I receive completed by 15th May.

So don’t forget to #take10toread!

Mrs Graves


3D Shapes for 3G

What are the properties of 3D shapes? What better way to find out, than to get hands on – so that is what we did!

Earn crew coins by completing the extra challenges on Google Classroom.

Mrs Graves


We are Historians!

Today, we have been exploring the reasons behind the end of the Slave Trade in Britain and the eventual abolishment of slavery.

We have discussed reasons and key figures involved and then we have used a sorting activity to apply our knowledge.

Well done 3G!

Mrs Graves


LKS2 Field Trips this week

Just a reminder that our field trips to Brodsworth Hall are this week. 3G and 4BW on Wednesday and 3LS and 4L on Thursday.

The trips will all take place in school hours, so please arrive at the normal time in the morning.

Children will have to carry their packed lunches with them throughout the day, so if they have a rucksack, this will be much easier for them, as we will be walking through the grounds of the Hall, as well as inside the hall. We will be providing children with a clipboard, pencil, paper and activity booklet for them to complete various activities and tasks during the day, so again, it will be easier for them if they have a rucksack or bag to carry them in.

We are keeping our fingers crossed for good weather, but there are no guarantees, so please make sure children are dressed in their school uniform, with a waterproof coat – half of our time will be spent outside, regardless of the weather and we don’t want the children getting cold.

Please remember your packed lunches, we would prefer to not have fizzy drinks and sweets will not be allowed on the bus – sorry.

We will not be visiting the gift shop, so there is no need to send any spending money.

We are really looking forward to the day, and I know the children are too. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.


Mrs Graves


Wonderful Work

Well done 3G – super effort being put into writing autobiographies following the research you did into key figures of the slave trade. I can’t wait to read them

Mrs Graves
