Praise for postcard winners!

Using ā€˜strangeā€™ equipment proved challenging at first but they got there in the end by persevering and collaborating. Well done to the green mathematicians!

Lucas has had such a positive mind set in class all day and it was fab to see some confidence shine through! Very proud of you today, young man!

Mrs Haycock


Practical Maths

Itā€™s fair to say we were stumped at first. What on Earth does Mrs H want us to do?

After some time exploring and getting to grips with their equipment, all became clear in the end. Well done you six! I hope this made abundant numbers a little clearer for you.

Shout outs to you all!

Mrs Haycock


We are historians!

In expedition today, we have successfully sorted fact from opinion regarding the Moon Landings and we have used different sources to find evidence for and against the argument: Did the Americans really land on the Moon?

I can see this week becoming quite persuasive as we work towards a whole class debate about this on Thursday. We already have some very strong opinions – on both sides on the camp!

Mrs Haycock


Young voices!

Just a reminder to be involved in young voices you must bring your slips back ready to start the club next week- Tuesday 9th November. Young voices is a fantastic opportunity to sing with thousands of other children at Sheffield and we really want as many of you as possible to take part. This will be open for Years 4, 5 & 6 children. Any questions please see Miss Hickey or Mrs Blackham.

Our amazing Ella has raised over Ā£700 for the little princess trust!

Ella has raised an amazing amount of money for the little princess trust and we are so proud of her! She had 15 inches cut from her hair and just look how well she is rocking her new luscious locks! We are so so proud of you Ella!
You can still donate towards Ellaā€™s fundraising!

-Miss Blackham


There are lots of events during the holidays in and around Doncaster!

-Miss Blackham


We can debate!

The power of persuasionā€¦ Should we be spending millions on space travel? Today, we watched a debate which answered this question. We were then able to use precise and specific word choices in our own short yet persuasive arguments which gave our views.

Mrs Haycock


Postcard Praise!

Ellie and Beth have worked incredibly hard today. They wrote a short persuasive argument to put their views about spending millions on space travel across to the rest of the class. Well done girls!

Mrs Haycock
