Imaginative immersion

Year 6 have been busy being creative today. They have transformed our blank canvas classrooms into rainforests with trees, canopy layers and animals which would be found in the rainforest environment.

Well done everyone – true crew teamwork!








Mrs Haycock


Sharing Christmas cards with our community!

The pupils of Plover have been very creative this week making Christmas cards for the Santa-gram scheme.
Home Instead Doncaster are running a Be A Santa-gram to a Senior as part of their commitment to make the biggest possible difference to the lives of older people in the Doncaster area.
The cards will be distributed to the Alzheimer’s Society (Doncaster), Age UK (Doncaster), DonMentia (local dementia charity), b:friend and our clients who live in their own homes.

-Miss Blackham


Last chance to buy raffle tickets- Friday 10th December!

Tomorrow is your last opportunity to purchase raffle tickets for our Christmas raffle. Here are just a selection of our fabulous prizes. Thank you to everyone who has donated prizes and purchased tickets. We are very grateful!

-Miss Blackham


Yellow T-shirt Winner

This week, Lola is wearing the yellow T-shirt in 6H. She has shown grit and determination all week to successfully complete her assessments despite feeling dreadful. I’m so proud of you young lady!

Mrs Haycock


Mo is Marvellous

Mo has been completing home learning to be proud of on a weekly basis. This week’s piece was my favourite so far…He made a chocolate alien. Let’s just say that Mrs Chapman and I devoured it so quickly that it must have been delicious!

Well done Mo – you really are a superstar!

Mrs Haycock


Bring KS1 your rubbish!🚮♻️

Plover Crew – KS1 would like you to bring in any plastic bottles, plastic lids and plastic bags… as these will be very much needed for our Spring Expedition!

Also, if anyone knows any recycling experts, artivists or scientists who study the ocean (hydrologists), please come forward we would love to arrange an expert visit!

Get emptying those recycling bins 😅 thanks all!



Christmas Boxes

As a caring school, this year we have decided to support 2 worthy causes this Christmas. We are raising funds to support Dunelm’s ‘Deliver Joy this Christmas’ campaign and we are making up Christmas boxes to support the Wellness Center, in Intake with essentials and a Christmas surprise.

Both charities aim to support those in need which include the elderly with no family or a child in need.

If you would like to make a donation of £1 to support these 2 great causes then please pass this to your child’s class teacher by Friday 3rd December.

Thank you for your continued support.

Happy Christmas!

Miss Lister and Mrs Shuka
