Easter egg raffle!

We would be so very grateful to anyone who would like to donate towards our raffle and purchase tickets to raise funds for our Year 6’s leavers hoodies. Please take any donations to 6B (Miss Blackham) and see the above poster for details how to purchase tickets!

-Miss Blackham


More excellent extended study! 🌟

10 crew coins and a bother prize draw ticket! Well done superstar! 🌟

-Miss Blackham


Challenging ourselves through coaching!

-Miss Blackham


Comic Relief – Wear something Red!

We are mathematicians!

Year 6’s have been working hard, getting smart and being kind in maths this morning! They have been working collaboratively to find the area and perimeter of a number of shapes. The children had to explain why they had come to their answers and then they had to check in with another group to compare. It was amazing to see children using language such as ‘prove it’ when challenging their peers about their answers. I also want to give a shout out to those children who participated in the pre teach extended study- it really showed you knew your stuff this morning! Super stars every one of you!

-Miss Blackham
