Who wants to win a box of Dunkin Doughnuts?

It all starts by reading a book to be in with a chance to win a box of doughnuts delivered to your door or in school.

Exciting competition

We are going to have a reading competition in school and for those children learning at home.

Children are to read a book with an adult. That could be the child reading to the adult or the adult reading to the child. Each time your child is reading send us a photo or for the children in school write in their yellow reading diary (F2). We will record the number of times and then the raffle tickets will be placed into a prize draw to win some Dunkin donuts. We will deliver them if your child is learning at home.

Closing date Tuesday 23rd February

Winners drawn Wednesday 24th February

Prizes delivered Thursday 25th February

I wonder who will win!!!

Mrs Price


Our Pride of Plover winners

Congratulations to all our Pride of Plover winners.

Raegan has really impressed Mrs Ibbertson this week with all his online learning.

F2P winner was Emma for being such a kind friend. She has looked after children who have been upset as well as working very hard.

F2S winner was George. George has tried so hard with his learning and joining in this week.

Well done to all our superstars.

Mrs Price



6B’s yellow t-shirt winner!

huge shout out to Jenson who has been a total star every single day. He has produced some awesome Expedition work this week and I am so proud of him. His daily updates about his dogs Hunter and Roly make everyone smile and we are so lucky to have him in 6B! Well done Jens- you are a shining example of someone who works hard, is always kind and gets smart!

-Miss Blackham


Excellent Experts and Emotional Experiences!

What a really interesting couple of days we have had in Year 3 and 4 with our expert visitors.

We had the really informative talk from Claire at the Canals and Rivers Trust yesterday. She helped us to understand the causes of flooding and ways that we can protect people from flooding.

Then, today, we had an emotional talk from Mrs Poncia, who was flooded out of her home in 2019 during the Fishlake Floods. She gave us a very personal account of everything her family went through, including photographs and video clips. The talk was brilliant preparation for the poetry writing we are going to do next week – I am really looking forward to getting started and I think the children are too!

We recorded both talks, so if you were unable to join them live, you can see them on the Experts and Visitors page of our Expedition Website. Access the website by following this link:https://sites.google.com/ploverschool.co.uk/plover-y3-4-natural-disasters/home

Well done everyone who has been working so hard, in school and at home, keep going, you are making your teachers proud.

Mrs Graves


Thursday 28th January

Good Morning


Big shout out to everyone who took part in the talk about floods from the Canal and Rivers Trust. I was so impressed by the brilliant contributions and how you took part.

I am really looking forward to this afternoon, when my friend, Mrs Poncia, is going to talk to us about her experience during the Fishlake Flood of 2019. You will get a join code to join the Google Meet starting at 1:15. It will really help with our poetry writing.

Well done for the work you have been submitting and keep working hard


Mrs Graves


Enjoying being bears

We are having a wonderful week learning the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. The children have been dressing up, exploring porridge, making bear costumes and F2 have been reading sentences from the story.

There is going to be a competition starting on Friday which we will share on the blog. We would like all EYFS children to join in.

I am looking forward to seeing the rest of our learning on Goldilocks. We are storytellers. We are learning to re-tell the story and will share it with you soon.

Well done everyone

Mrs Price


Plover postcard winners!

Well done to today’s postcard winners!

Oliver H- for awesome work in maths!

Maisy- for always being a super star and spreading her infectious smile and enthusiasm

Mo- for always striving towards achieving his ME’s

Paras- for always having an awesome attitude to learning

Ellie- for settling in to our crew so well and being amazing!
