Tag- rugby fun!

Miss Wood

Times tables booster club

A huge well done to every child who has shown up to the times table booster session. We can already see that children who are attending are making big improvements with their times table knowledge. The test is quickly approaching so if you can attend and you haven’t so far, please try to make it. The session runs every Tuesday and Thursday at 8.30 am and the children also get a brioche breakfast bun.

Y4 times table booster

Don’t forget Year 4 times table boosters are on this morning from 8:30am. Come along to practise times tables, receive a brioche roll and for every session you attend, you will receive a raffle ticket to be entered into a draw to possibly win a box of Dunkin’ Donuts at the end of the half term.

We are celebrating better world day on the 5th May!

We will be celebrating better world day on Thursday 5th May (a day early). We are asking children to come into school in blue or yellow and we are asking for voluntery contributions of 50p to raise money to send funds directly into Ukraine to support those in need.

We are also challenging children to take part in better world day by completing acts of kindness to make the world a better place and sharing these acts of kindness to myself- [email protected] so we can share all of the kind and wonderful things you get up to.

Thank you

-Miss Blakham


Times table boosters

I hope you’ve all had a fantastic Bank holiday weekend, don’t forget times table boosters are available tomorrow morning for children to access from 8:30am. Sign in at the office and come along to secure your times table knowledge and also receive a chocolate brioche.

See you in the morning.

Y4 teaching team


You can live stream the Young Voices link 💙

You can livestream the Young voices concert by clicking this link. You will be required to pay 9.99 but this is a fabulous opportunity for you to watch the show if you were unable to attend. It really was out of this world!

-Mrs Blackham
