Marvellous Maps!

In 2K, we have been looking at aerial views of Plover School.

We identified the different classes and rooms in school and drafted our own aerial maps of the building!

We then went for a walk around school to check we hadn’t missed out any rooms and had them all in the right places on the map. Some of us accidentally put a classroom in the toilets on the map! Oops!! We changed that on our maps quickly!

Expedition Scavenger Hunt

We are geographers… in expedition today the children drew their own maps of the school and followed their maps around school to solve the mystery word! It links to our guiding question – Diverse Doncaster: where do we belong?

They then labelled their maps with symbols and used rulers to do straight line drawing of the building. #LovePlover

We are celebrating better world day on the 5th May!

We will be celebrating better world day on Thursday 5th May (a day early). We are asking children to come into school in blue or yellow and we are asking for voluntery contributions of 50p to raise money to send funds directly into Ukraine to support those in need.

We are also challenging children to take part in better world day by completing acts of kindness to make the world a better place and sharing these acts of kindness to myself- [email protected] so we can share all of the kind and wonderful things you get up to.

Thank you

-Miss Blakham


WOW Badges

Shout out to all the superstars who have earned another WOW badge for continuing to exercise when coming to school and helping save our planet!

Crew Meade came 2nd out of the whole school.

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend guys!


Doncaster Stories

How exciting for our children to be given these awesome reading bags full of fun activities and stationery.

Not only is it important for our children to continue reading but it also links to our current expedition.

Diverse Doncaster: where do I belong?

Thank you to Doncaster Stories for your generosity.


1M snapshot of SLC

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to all the children who completed their SLCs – so confident and courageous!

We are all so proud of you beautiful work, honesty and activism to become the best version of yourself in our community!

Well done 1M

Mr Meade


1M Working Hard

We are geographers… in expedition today the children learnt about the difference between human and physical geography.

In phonics 5C we were phoneme spotters, looking for different ways the /ai/ can be written in texts.

“A great way to hail an eight foot whale!” How many can you spot in this sentence?