Congratulations to all KS1 for your hard work this expedition. We all enjoyed an ice cream and silent disco to celebrate ‘Diverse Doncaster: Where do we belong?” #LovePlover
Category : HI
TGB Thursday – Learning BSL
We were practicing BSL conversations yesterday to greet, share feels and ask how are you feeling? #LovePlover
Learning BSL in Crew
As part of TGB Thursday Crew we will be learning BSL … today we learnt about signing our greetings, feelings and emotions!
Mr Meade
Spring Poetry CU Stamp Code
You can now claim an hour for Children’s University if you take part in the Spring Poetry Competition. Use code BLUE2819
Mrs Shuka
Childen’s University Coffee Morning

Children’s University will be holding a coffee morning, this Thursday at 9:00am, during Plover Pantry, in the hall. Please stop by to meet our staff and parent ambassadors. They will be available if you have any questions or to register your child.
Mrs Shuka
Sharing Stories
We are beginning to think ahead to next year and our Autumn Expedition in LKS2.
Do you know anybody (Grandparents, family members, friends or organisations) who would be willing to share their experiences of World War (at home or in the forces) with our children to help them with their learning?
If you know of anyone, please could you let Mrs Graves know, so that we can begin to plan ahead.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Graves
Save the date- Jubilee celebrations (Thursday 26th May 1:30pm) you are all invited!

-Miss Blackham