Phonics weekly overview

Week 7 oa, oo, oo, ar.docx

Here is an overview of next week’s. Throughout this week we will be recapping phase 3 digraphs oa, oo, oo, ar and tricky words.
This is an overview of the week with links to resources that you will need to print or get ready. All resources can be used on screen or written on paper if you cannot print. More detail will be blogged and posted on Evidence Me every day.

Remember for further practise:
Visit this site to recap any graphemes you need further practice on:
Visit to play phonics games. To login for free – user jan21 and password home

Project Polar

Good morning

I have just received an email from Yorkshire Wildlife Park to say that due to current Covid restrictions they are having to cancel our virtual Project Polar visit. They apologise for the inconvenience and are looking forward to working with us in the future.
Although this is disappointing for the children, we fully understand the situation they are in. We have some other on line resources including clips from the Wildlife Park that we will use instead.

Mrs Price



Plover school sharing the love 💗

I am so proud of all of the children who contributed to the Santander ‘thank key workers’ valentines display. This is the display so far and I am sure you will all agree, it looks beautiful! Keep an eye out for the video of all the contributions, which will be coming very soon! Well done everyone!
-Miss Blackham


Storytelling with Sounds


Wow! F2 you have blown us away again today. I have really enjoyed listening to your sound stories of ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ You really are such a creative bunch. Big shout outs go to Samuel, Charlotte and Aarav. There will be a Plover Praise certificate waiting for each of you when you are back at school.

Thursday’s Phonics – Tricky words

1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Flash cards tricky word trucks
3, Recap digraph igh
4. Today we will practicing reading tricky words. Teach phase 3 tricky words: are, they, all, was. Choose these words on phonics play – train your brain. Look at which part of the word is tricky.
5. Play phase 3 tricky word bingo. You should still have the game from last time or you can copy or print it from here t-l-020-phase-3-tricky-word-bingo-_ver_1 (1)
6, Share the tricky word phoneme spotter story T-L-5786-Phase-3-Tricky-Word-Spotter-Story. Highlight the tricky words. Can you help to read these words in the story?


Make a Sound Story

Today we are going to make a sound story.

Use your storymap to sequence the story and retell it adding sounds. Choose objects from around the home to retell the story. Think back to your last sound story. Which objects made loud sounds and which made quiet sounds. Can you make a swishy sound for the grass or squelchy sounds for the mud? There are lots of ideas to get you started here: bearhunt sound story but I’m sure you can all use your imaginations too!

Remember to share your sound stories when they are ready. Have fun!

Wednesday’s Phonics – igh

1. Recap those tricky words and graphemes.
2. Quickwrite capital letters in response to lowercase letters.
3, Recap digraph ee
4. Today we will learning to read and write igh words. Show the trigraph and practice writing it.
5. You’ll need a pencil and paper.
Watch the video:
6.Read the minibook(wk4)We Will Get Them a… Reading Mini Book –  Write a sentence about what mum got.

Creating a story map

Wednesday’s learning
Using what we know so far about the story we would like you to create a story map. You could draw the map, cut and stick on the one we have provided or use your props from yesterday. We would like you to add labels to it. If you are green standard add adjectives to the words that you use to label eg grass will be long wavy grass.
Share your creations with us.


Mrs Price


Creative Story Props

You have WOWed us today with your imagination and creativity. It’s been fantastic to see your story props and to hear you all retelling ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. You are becoming great story tellers.These are just a few examples but I could easily have filled the page with your photos and videos today. Well done F2!