Being kind

Our Plover Postcard went to Oscar today. He has been so kind and helpful. He mopped the floor when he noticed there was water on it and reminded the other children to be safe. The other children in the class said that it should be Oscar too.

Well done Oscar. We are very proud of you.

Mrs Price



In maths we have been learning about doubling. We have learnt what it means and how to calculate doubles of amounts.

We have been working collaboratively to solve problems.

After maths some children went on to explore doubling in provision.

Marnie worked out that double 8 was 16. She was proud of her equation. She realised that she hadn’t written the symbols correctly and went back to correct it.

Myla wrote equations on the wipe board. She said she had written some doubles but 3+1 =4 and that isn’t a double.

It was lovely to see both girls using what they had learnt.

Mrs Price


Wonderful World Book Day

It has been a week since World Book Day, and I thought it would be lovely to look back and remember what a great day it was.

The website has been updated with photographs, so head over there if you want to linger over the pictures a little longer.

But for a whistle-stop tour of the day, check out our video…..

Mrs Graves


How do Polar Bears keep warm?

This was one of the questions that the children wanted to find out about when we did our entry ticket to the expedition. Today we found out how.

We explored ice. We described what it felt like and what happened as it melted. We also found out that if you put the ice in oil it doesnā€™t feel as cold. We learnt that polar bears have fat under their fur to keep them warm.

We enjoyed watching the ice melt and talked about what happened to the oil as it mixed with the water. We had lots of fun!

Mrs Price


Being kind

My Plover postcard was awarded to Edy today. She has shown that she is such a kind and caring friend. One of our class needed someone to help them. Edy noticed, helped them with their problem, played with them and checked that they were ok. What a fantastic crew member. The other children were so proud of her.

Well done Edy.

Mrs Price


F2 Pride of Plover winners

Well done to our F2 winners. Rayyan has settled well into being at school and is responding well to what she is told to do. She has made lots of friends.

Ralph has shown exceptional manners, fantastic imagination and a very caring attitude to his friends. He has also been working hard.

Well done you two. We are proud of you.

Mrs Price


Marvellous maths

Bobby showed amazing focus and perseverance during independent learning time. He was using the Numicon to explore different ways he could make numbers. He made sets of 10s, then added them together. He realised that he was counting in 10s and said he could write the numbers. He then went on to write equations using the sets of 10 and the information that he had found out.

Well done Bobby

Mrs Price


We are back!

We had lots of enthusiastic children coming into school today. Our feelings check in was made up of happy and excited children who were very eager to talk with and play with their friends.

We thought about how we can motivate each other in our learning and recapped what it means to be a crew.

We have begun creating Polar bear stories based on We’re going on a bear hunt. We will be adding to them tomorrow.

My shout out today goes to Emma who helped Edy in maths. Edy said she was unsure what to do next. Emma showed her and then encouraged her to do it on her own. Excellent coaching Emma – well done.

We have had a fantastic day. I can’t wait to see your finished stories.

Mrs Price


Wonderful World Book Day

We had a great day celebrating books at Plover. There were all sorts of characters walking around from Gangsta Granny to Mr and Mrs Twit; Mary Poppins and Wonky Donkey; Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in Grandma’s clothing- plus lots, lots more!

We had lots of potato photos for the potato character competition and some great reviews on the Padlet – check out the books that have been recommended – they are bound to make you LOL!

Our Masked Reader competition was very popular – well done to Harper in 4G for correctly identifying all 20 of the Masked Readers

We have lots of photos of the day so check out our World Book Day Website for many more: