What a start!

Despite the sudden switch to online learning, there have already been some excellent, creative examples of home learning for our new expedition ‘Is London still burning?’. Thank you to everyone who managed to get online today and have a go at some of the tasks. The live check-in will be at 9am tomorrow morning and then the live lessons will follow throughout the day. Please try and join us if you can. If you are having technical problems, please get in touch and we will help where we can.

Well done to Laci-Maee, Shayen and Tim in particular for you hard work today.

I hope to see you all again tomorrow!


Perfect Poetry!

Our Year 6 Crew have been poets today!  After writing  all about the polish aircraft that crash landed over Hatfield Moors in the style of a newspaper report, the children were challenged to describe the tradgey in a poem, using precise word choices to create impact.

A shout out goes to Mia and also Shang for using alliteration and personification in their writing.

Luke also gets a shout out for writing his poem in first person, as if he is the ghost telling the story.

Keep up the good work, Crew Chapman.


Great Home Learning.

Shayen has spent his time at home doing extra learning about our dinosaur expedition. He has drawn a a dinosaur shape onto a piece of wood and then expertly used a saw to cut out the tricky shape. He still has all of his fingers as well! He then carefully painted the dinosaur and added little details. Great work Shayen!


Fabulous Home Learning!

Tommy and Darwin have created some amazing models linked to our dinosaur expedition. Tommy spent a long time trying to problem solve how to fasten his dinosaur together so that it kept the shape that he wanted. Darwin used his knowledge and resources from home to build a dinosaur scene. I really love how he added the straw to allow his Pterodactyl to be flying in his scene.

Great home learning – well done!


Beautiful Work – Home learning!

I have been very impressed with the quality of the home learning  that I have received in the last few weeks.  A shout out goes to Oliver, Ruby, Shang and Xavier. The children have challenged themselves to write an acrostic poem for World War Two.  They’ve used knowledge from their expeditions to write the poem, showing they are working hard and getting smart.


Celebrating learning.

We have had another successful day of learning today and it is time to give some shout outs for brilliant work.

There has been brilliant understanding of using numbers bonds within 10 to help us calculate mentally in maths. Darwin, Syler-Rose, Tim and Luca did amazingly well.

In expedition, there has been lots of independent research to discover if a shark is a fish or a mammal and why. This has led to some great research facts and art work. Another shout out to Johnny and Shayen for these fabulous examples of learning throughout today:

Thank you to everyone who has joined me today and contributed so brilliantly. Well done! I look forward to seeing you all again tomorrow.


Great learning.

We have had another great day of learning today and it was lovely to see so many of you in the live lessons. I would like to give a particular shout out to Darwin, Shayen, Luca, Syler-Rose, Julita, Tim, Vittoria and Johnny who have been sharing some brilliant learning with me. You have really impressed me. Johnny in particular seems to be on a mission to have a book published by the end of the week! There has been brilliant Maths, awesome English and unbelievable Science and art work. Here are just a few (ok, quite a bit more than a few!) pictures of the great work that has been happening so far. Keep it up!