Today we are mathematicians!

For our Maths starter today, 6C were given a number and they had to order themselves in ascending order – without speaking to each other! Amazingly, the children completed this task in less than 2 minutes. The lowest number was 0.04 and the highest was in the millions. Our number line was so long, I had to take two pictures. When cold called, the children were able to tell me why the number before them was less than the number they had, and why the number after was greater. I was so impressed with the accurate vocabulary they used! Well done 6C. You all received a crew coin for your excellent team work. (Don’t forget to put it on)

Stargazing Event

Last night was amazing. We had the best time waiting for the stars to come out: making dens with our blankets, playing football; enjoying a bbq (shout out to Mrs Coward and Mr Meade for cooking the burgers and sausages) and yummy marshmallows. Here are a few photos from earlier on in the evening. Look out for more pictures/ videos coming soon.


Year 6 are getting ready for stargazing!

Year 6 are so excited for stargazing. We have just settled down after a bbq tea and s’mores and we are now getting ready for stargazing and hot chocolate! What fabulous fieldwork for our Expedition! Thanks to all parents for supporting our fieldwork. Thank you to the children for being awesome and thank you for all the staff who stayed to support us!

-Miss Blackham


We are bakers!

I have seen great team work in the team building sessions I have ran this week. The children had to work together to bake buns for our Plover community. Well done to all children involved this week!

-Mrs Lindsay Blackham

We are scientists

We have been carrying out practical tests to prove the world is a spherical body. Did you know that people still believe the Earth is flat? We can prove that they are incorrect.