We are on our way home!

Year 6 have had the best day today and they have been absolutely gorgeous! They are just eating their tea and chatting about all the fun they have had. Thank you so much to everyone who has volunteered on this trip to make it happen. Staff have taken hundreds of photos which will be blogged and made in to a video as soon as possible. We will send parents a text when we are one hour away.
-Miss Blackham


We’ve just had our KFC!

We have just got back on the coach after our services stop off. The children loved their KFC! Thank you again to everyone who contributed to our breakfast sandwich fundraiser as the funds from that have allowed our children to enjoy their KFC at no cost to them. We are around an hour away from Warner brothers studios! How exciting! Keep checking our blog to see when we arrive!
-Miss Blackham


Y5 Stars ⭐️⭐️

A huge shout out to Lola and Mo who have both impressed me so much this morning. They were both leading their own learning by using models to support their learning on their slides, I heard great mathematical vocabulary too! 10 crew coins each- superstars!

-Miss Blackham


Fabulous fruit tasting 🍍 🥭 🫐 🥝🍈

We were kindly donated some fruit by Mrs Kibble. So today in crew, 6B got to try some blueberries, mangoes, pineapples, melon and kiwis. They loved the fruit in 6B and our beautiful platter didn’t last very long! What a great way to try different fruits as don’t children had never tried mango or melon before!

-Miss Blackham
