Well done Rydhian! Consistent hard word and creating beautiful work has made you our Pride of Plover for this week!

Mrs Graves
Well done Rydhian! Consistent hard word and creating beautiful work has made you our Pride of Plover for this week!
Mrs Graves
Today year’s 5&6 children washed staff cars to raise funds to buy healthy foods to donate to our Plover pantry. As part of our expeditionary learning we have been looking at the importance of eating a balanced diet. We therefore decided to raise funds so we can provide a selection of healthy foods. Thank you to all staff members who allowed us to wash your cars!
-Miss Blackham
Just a reminder to 5/6 parents to ensure children come to school wearing sun cream and they have appropriate protection from the sun such as hats snd sunglasses if you feel necessary for when they are outside. Extra water is also advised. Thank you for your support.
-Miss Blackham
Well done boys, you have done an amazing job of working as historians! 10 crew coins each 💙
-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Well done to my lovely Nelly. She is just amazing and so, so kind. We are so proud of you!
-Miss Blackham
Wow! I am blown away by Frazer’s hard work today. He has produced a gorgeous write up of a science experiment he carried out. He was so proud of himself and so he should be!50 crew coins mate- well done!
-Miss Blackham
6B really enjoyed first aid training this morning. They found it very informative and now know what to do in situations where CPR needs to be performed, when chocking occurs and what to do for cuts and burns. Your children will have brought home their qualification certificates this afternoon.
Thank you for parents/carers for supporting this qualification!
-Miss Blackham
Can anyone who is interested in their child (current year 5’s) attending the London 2023 residential please let me know by next Friday so I can look at numbers, prices and options.
-Miss Blackham
Well done to Nishka who has produced some gorgeous home learning! You are a star Nishka!
-Miss Blackham