Year 3 had so much fun in PE today. They perfected the skills of balancing, jumping and landing on one foot and creating their own challenges in groups. They came up with some brilliant athletics challenges and it was so lovely to see them use their imagination when doing this. Keep it up 3F!


Miss Wood

We can identify partitive nouns…

In English, we have been looking for and suggesting different partitive nouns to show how much of a particular something we have. The children suggested a teaspoon of sugar; a loaf of bread; and a bolt of lightning amongst many others. They were then able to insert missing partitive nouns into a recipe for hot chocolate.

Well done everyone!

Mrs Haycock


Athletics in Y4

Year 4 had a lovely introduction to Athletics this morning. Children worked in pairs to test their reaction times and then went on to doing some timed sprinting races. What an amazing start to the new year!


Miss Wood

We are readers!

In Speedy Reading lessons this week, we have been working carefully to use evidence from the text to help us explain our answers. You have all been working so hard folks! Just look at the concentration on their faces…

Mrs Haycock


Remarkable Roman Research

3GS worked really hard at the start of the week, researching aspects of Roman life. They had to use different sources to find out more about Roman roads, houses, clothing and towns.

After they completed the research, they produced posters and presented their findings to the rest of the class, so everyone could learn what they had learnt.

Mrs Graves


P.E in 3F

Another rainy day meant Year 3 had to do their hockey lesson indoors this morning. The children did an amazing job of working in groups to pass their balls to each other. The children are showing great progress each week! Great work Year 3!


Miss Wood

LKS2 Homelearning

It has been lovely to see some Romans linked home learning being brought into school this week.

I would love to celebrate the great work completed at home in our Community Crew events, so keep bringing your home learning in. Not only do you get rewarded with crew coins, but you may also get a ‘Dip in the Box’ prize.

We love to see all your ideas, but if you want some more, have a look at the suggestions on the second page of the document attached to the blog.

I look forward to seeing what you bring in!

Mrs Graves
