Dance in Y4!

The children are focusing on Dance this half term and have had such a great time practicing the Haka. They learned a bit about its history and where it originated from. Then they put on their most intimidating faces to learn the first few steps.

We can collaborate!

4H have worked in small production teams to research the geographical and human features of Svalbard – an archipelago of islands at the heart of our current expedition. They will use this information to write a comparison between Svalbard and South Yorkshire.

Fabulous teamwork today folks, well done!

Mrs Haycock


I am taking over my teacher’s job!

I think I need to watch my back! The confidence growth in this young man has been phenomenal over the last few weeks…To stand in front of 30 children and explain your thinking out loud is really tricky but you handled it like a pro, Roscoe! Both myself and Mrs Pass are incredibly proud of you; and we hope you are also proud of yourself!

Mrs Haycock


Faith Day Year 4

4H have worked really hard today to build their understanding of the Muslim Holy Book: The Qur’an. They collated information from our Gallery Walk and transformed it into some beautiful posters to be proud of! Well done everyone; you have gained a wealth of knowledge in a polite and respectful way, and really taken pride in the work you have produced.

Mrs Haycock


We have met a real-life polar bear expert!

We have been in awe this afternoon when we visited Svalbard via GoogleMeet! Joanna (our expert speaker) works as a biologist for an amazing organisation called Polar Bears International. She told us so much about polar bears and their habitat – helping us to build real-life background knowledge. She is currently working on a really important project about polar bear and human cohabitation. We aim to help her organisation towards the end of our expedition by making a monetary donation. You can find out more about them on their website:

It was one of my favourite moments so far this school year when children started getting out of their seats and as close to the screen and Joanna as they could. Everyone started the session sat at a table then slowly but surely, more and more crept closer and closer to her. They were enraptured!

Thank you, Joanna!

Mrs Haycock



Year 3 had so much fun in PE today. They perfected the skills of balancing, jumping and landing on one foot and creating their own challenges in groups. They came up with some brilliant athletics challenges and it was so lovely to see them use their imagination when doing this. Keep it up 3F!


Miss Wood

We can identify partitive nouns…

In English, we have been looking for and suggesting different partitive nouns to show how much of a particular something we have. The children suggested a teaspoon of sugar; a loaf of bread; and a bolt of lightning amongst many others. They were then able to insert missing partitive nouns into a recipe for hot chocolate.

Well done everyone!

Mrs Haycock


Athletics in Y4

Year 4 had a lovely introduction to Athletics this morning. Children worked in pairs to test their reaction times and then went on to doing some timed sprinting races. What an amazing start to the new year!


Miss Wood

We are readers!

In Speedy Reading lessons this week, we have been working carefully to use evidence from the text to help us explain our answers. You have all been working so hard folks! Just look at the concentration on their faces…

Mrs Haycock
