KS1 Pride of Plover Winners

Congratulations to our Yellow T-shirt winners this week who have displayed the Plover Pledge by working hard, getting smart and being kind!

2B – Skyla for producing beautiful work in English and being super smart all week!

2P – Lawand for always working hard and grappling with his tricky maths!

1N – Craig for completing some wonderful independent writing in English this week!

1M – Anna for always trying so hard either her phonics and reading, but also completing some mind blowing addition and subtraction equations in maths!

We are all so proud of you.


1M playing with friends

This afternoon children did their daily maths meeting and then their case study 1 exit ticket in expedition.

We circled up and then spoke about the importance of friendship, before going outside as socialising as a class crew!


Winner winner American dinner! 🇺🇸

Well done to Lilly-Grace who won 1st place and has won two cinema tickets. Charlie won second place but Ethan (his brother ) is pictured. Charlie won a box of Dunkin donuts and Alec won a popcorn and chocolate sweet box! We hope you enjoy your prizes and we hope you enjoyed the yummy American dinner!

-Miss Blackham


We Care Wednesday Crew

Meet our new worry monster in Year 1 – in crew this morning Crew Jobber, Crew Meade and Crew Newton all came up with suggestions to name her! Then we had a bit of time to do things that make us feel happy in school 🙂


Posters in English – Subtraction in maths

Y1 have been learning about their new text Rosa Parks, which links very closely to our expedition being a real life hero and is also relevant during Black History month.

We discussed the features of a poem and then the children went and created their own Rosa Parks wanted posters. Which they then presented in the glorious sunshine!

In maths today we started learning subtraction by partitioning the whole.


Halloween Film Night

Just a polite reminder that if your child goes to club on a Thursday night they still need to pay the £2 if they want to go to the film night tomorrow. There will be lots of treats and goodies, it’s going to be a brill night so please pass your £2 to your class teacher. #LovePlover

Phonics Fun

Today’s Plover Praise Postcard winners are Mason and Aland. For choosing to extend their phonics learning and develop their segmenting and blending skills during choosing time this afternoon!

Other children in class were having fun with different phonics, expedition and maths activities!

Plover Praise

Well done to Oscar for being kind towards his fellow class mates by helping them during PE!

Well done to Charlie for working hard in his learning and producing lots of handwriting as well as taking part in PE!

Keep it up guys 🤩
