Pride of Plover

Congratulations to Evanas for earning our yellow T-shirt today. He has worked hard in all his learning extending his ideas and making fantastic flippers and a suit of armour.

Well done Evanas

Mrs Price


Save the date- Jubilee celebrations (Thursday 26th May 1:30pm) you are all invited!


-Miss Blackham


Plover Praise Postcards

Well done to Isla and Zara who got our postcards today. Isla has moved onto yellow shelf for reading and Zara did really well in her writing and was proud of her learning. Well done girls.

Mrs Price


Back to back

This week we are learning about shapes in maths, what happens when we rotate shapes and how shapes can be made. Today we had to give instructions to our friend back to back to create the same shape as we were making. There were some successes and some different shapes.

Mrs Price



We had a fantastic day today. Well done to Kobin for amazing art work.Our expert artist was so impressed with the care that Kobin took in creating a stormy sea and sky.

Pheobe and Isla also impressed me with their independent writing in provision and they really wanted to share it with their friends.

Mrs Price


Taking turns

Well done to Corben for taking turns when playing a game. He listened to instructions and followed the rules of the game. Well done Corben.

Mrs Price
