Winner winner American dinner! 🇺🇸

Well done to Lilly-Grace who won 1st place and has won two cinema tickets. Charlie won second place but Ethan (his brother ) is pictured. Charlie won a box of Dunkin donuts and Alec won a popcorn and chocolate sweet box! We hope you enjoy your prizes and we hope you enjoyed the yummy American dinner!

-Miss Blackham


Making musical patterns

As part of our expedition learning we have been musicians today. We played the drums exploring the different sounds that they made. We copied and created our own repeating patterns and rhythms.

Well done to Paisley and Oscar who were able to continue the patterns they started at the same speed.


Superstar maths

Well done to Riley for counting and recognising numbers today. He has been working really hard and the effort has paid off. We are proud of you Riley.

Mrs Price


Reading progress

Look at our reading superstars. They have made so much progress this last week. We are so proud of them.

Mrs Price


Exploring rice

Today we have been exploring rice. We have made patterns and have practiced writing the letters in our names.
You could make coloured rice at home. Place rice, food colouring and a teaspoon of vinegar in a bag. Mix together and leave on a tray to dry.

Mrs Price


Do we all celebrate the same?

Today we read the book Shubh Diwali. The children were very interested in how the people in the book celebrated. We thought about how we celebrate and what is the same as us.

Do you celebrate by doing the same things?

Mrs Price


Super helpful

A shout out goes to Alec. On Friday Alec was so helpful to staff especially to Miss Clark. Well done Alec.

Mrs Price


Pride of Plover

Our Pride of Plover went to Evanas for working hard. He has challenged himself in his learning especially in handwriting.Well done Evanas. We are proud of you.

Mrs Price
