Reflecting on learning

Myla made her castle and was very proud of what she produced.

This is what she said about her model.

“These are the turrets and these are the fire. I thought orange would be good as it would be good as it looks like fire. For the door I thought if I put tape onto it it might go up and down so that it closes. I think it needs more glue on to stop the turrets moving.”

Following crew this afternoon, Marnie realised that she could also get better at making models. This is what she said.

“I tried to use the glue on the side but it kept falling off. If I had put the roll on the flat piece it would have stuck better and if I used tape it would stop it moving. If I cut it then it would have been even better.”

Well done girls for reflecting on your learning.

Mrs Price


Hook week in 5W

5W have been thoroughly ā€˜hooked inā€™ to out new expedition: The Magic of Motion. Our week has consisted of an immersion day, (where all the children helped to decorate our classrooms and corridors) an Art and a Science day all linked to our Harry Potter theme. Have a nosey through our pictures and see what we got up to!

The making of the Hogwarts Express!
Floating candles.
Hogwarts Castle using watercolour paints.

Save our Planet

Today in English we had a fantastic discussion about how the Covid-19 epidemic , and particularly the lockdown, has had a positive impact on the environment by lowering air pollution.

This led on to great collaborative work to produce a poster encouraging people to ā€˜Save our Planetā€™. We were so engrossed with our work, that we didnā€™t want to stop – James and Mathew even asked to carry on working through playtime – shout out to you boys!

We critiqued each otherā€™s worked to make improvements and then we presented our posters to the class. Well done Sumika for going out of your comfort zone by talking in front of everyone.

I felt very proud of the focus and dedication and the enthusiasm for the topic. Well done guys!

Mrs Graves


Fabulous Flames!

In KS1 yesterday our Expedition lesson was about how to draw fire and flames, we wanted to create fabulous 2D artwork. I think you will agree, the children have done an amazing job.

Darcy worked really hard on keeping his colouring in the lines, he thought carefully about the shape and brightness of his colours.
Ellis experimented with watercolours.
Talliah looked carefully at the models – look at her work in progress – her eye for detail is super.
Vittoria’s looking proud… look how she has carefully drew and coloured her flame. I love the sparks coming off it.


Plover school sharing the love 💗

I am so proud of all of the children who contributed to the Santander ā€˜thank key workersā€™ valentines display. This is the display so far and I am sure you will all agree, it looks beautiful! Keep an eye out for the video of all the contributions, which will be coming very soon! Well done everyone!
-Miss Blackham


Explosive Expedition for LKS2

Year 3 and 4 had a great time on Friday afternoon, seeing how effective their volcanoes were at exploding and here are some of the highlights…..

Well done to everyone that took part in school and at home – the smiles on faces and squeals of excitement were brilliant!

Mrs Graves


E-Safety Poster Competition

A very big well done to everyone that entered the E-Safety poster competition. I was so impressed with your posters and how much you have understood about staying safe online.

Here are the winning entries:





Well done everyone and keep staying safe online!

Mrs Graves


Amazing artwork in Year 3 and 4

It has been a great week of learning for so many of our children in year 3 and 4. So many children have been logging on and completing their work, it is great to see.

I have been particularly impressed with the artwork that has been produced during the Thursday afternoon art sessions with Mrs Foster.

They have been learning about the Japanese artwork ā€˜the Great Waveā€™ by Hokusai, to link with our expedition theme of Natural Disasters and todayā€™s lesson moved on to using a tsunami as a subject to study using perspective in their drawings.

I am blown away by the quality of the drawing and the care and pride they have put into their work.

Have a flick through our gallery below (swipe left and Ā right) and who knows, one day, some these pupils might be displaying in real art galleries!

Enjoy our art!

Mrs Graves
