Is the sun coming back out?

I don’t suppose any of you are up yet but I get up normally at 6.30 to see to my cats even if it is the weekend. There is no sun and it looks very overcast! I hope it does reappear later in the day as yesterday was lovely when I went for a dog walk. This is Polly relaxing because of the heat yesterday.

Remember to send your rainbows/NHS posters

Here is a gorgeous example modelled by the lovely Ashton of the rainbow/thank a key worker poster for this weeks video. Please remember you can also send in your videos of your families clapping at 8pm on a Thursday! You can be as creative as you like and the deadline is now Friday 9am to give you time to get everything in. Please email to [email protected]

Magical Monday!

Morning I’m going for a magic theme this week for my alliteration so fingers crossed I can think of something for the whole week. Please log on so we know you are out there and complete some of the work tasks. If you want to complete something you might have missed earlier in the shut down that’s fine. Just please do something!!

Feel Good Friday

As always, thank you so much to everyone who gets involved- we love seeing your happy faces! Next week we want to dedicate our video to the NHS and all other key workers so please send in pictures of rainbows, thank you posters, you and your families clapping for the NHS etc (you can be as creative as you like) can we please have all pictures to [email protected] by Friday at 9am.

If you want to be extra creative- have a look at this fabulous signing by Mrs Toyne and share any videos you do to go with our song! click here

Excellent expedition work!

I am loving your enthusiasm with expedition work! Year 5/6 have had a challenge to create their own Greek God and I have seen lots of amazing examples! The children had to describe what their Greek God would do and I must say I am very impressed with all of your responses!
Remember the deadline for the exercise video is today at 3pm, please send your videos to [email protected]


Ruby, Lucas, Romio and Luke have produced some awesome expedition work regarding their Greek Gods and the islands they would live on. I love reading your ideas! Blaze has created this amazing picture to remember his class mates as a keepsake and I love it! I’m going to print it out and put it on my desk!
Well done everyone, keep working hard and remember to send your exercise videos in to me by 3pm tomorrow.