Awesome engagement this morning Year 6!

Year 6 have blown me away with their engagement this morning. They have got stuck straight into the challenges set for them. We have had a very artistic morning using models to support our drawings of Harry Potter characters. The chat has been buzzing all morning with children excited to share their artwork. I am feeling so proud! We will meet again at 1:30 for a scavenger hunt and then again at 2:30 for PE with Mr Meade- exciting! 10 crew coins to all who have engaged this morning for working hard!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6’s online learning

Hello lovely Year 6’s. I’m sorry your last full week of primary will look a little different but I promise we will have lots of fun. I’ve added some exciting activities onto google classroom and I can’t wait to check in with those of you who went to Danum and hear all about it! Please join me on hangout tomorrow at 9am- I will share the hangout through email. I have some exciting news for you all!
-Miss Blackham


Year 6 final word- so proud!

I am speaking on behalf of all staff and parents who sat in on final words today when I say just how proud we are of each and every one of our year 6’s. The confidence our children showed when standing up and presenting their reflections of their time at Plover was awesome! I am sure everyone will agree just how reflective and emotional the presentations were. I can definitely see why you are now all secondary ready! All the children reflected on crew, HoWLs and Expedition and how these factors have contributed to their character growth and beautiful work. What an amazing way to celebrate their time at primary school!
-Miss Blackham


Non Uniform Day Wednesday – COME ON ENGLAND!

Hi all,

With England’s fantastic result in the Quarter Finals on Saturday. We here at Plover are going to show our support by having a England themed non-uniform day on Wednesday, as England are playing in the Semi-Final on Wednesday evening!

If you don’t have England kits, don’t worry, you can wear other football shirts, PE/sports clothes or something red and white to represent England!

Could it finally be coming home?


Our virtual Harry Potter lesson from Warner Brothers studios!

Years 5&6 children are so lucky that Warner Brother studios agreed to deliver a Harry Potter lesson to us online. The children are learning all about script writing and film making. They’ve been given lots of tips and tricks to help them be successful in future script writing. How exciting!

-Miss Blackham


Thank you!

Thank you so much to staff, parents and children for donating to our bake sale! What an amazing Plover community crew effort! 6B is smelling delicious. All cakes and treats have now been wrapped up ready to sell at 3pm. We hope to see you there!
-Miss Blackham


Postcard Winners!

Well done to Lilly and Junior who both impressed me so much today that they went home with Plover postcards. Lilly ‘Got Smart’ and lead her own learning and Junior is always ‘Being Kind’ in class. You both make me smile so much!

Mrs Haycock


We can persuade

I could not be more proud of 6H today! They chatted through the persuasive techniques that they wanted to use in their writing, tried them out on each other and then wrote with enthusiasm. I cannot wait to read your finished work and be persuaded that your imaginary theme park is the best! Well done everyone.

Mrs Haycock
