We’ve had fun getting to know each other in 6H today by playing a variety of different icebreaker games. We have been able to maturely discuss the ‘Norms’ that we would expect to see from all members of the class and have set ourselves personal pledges that are challenging but achievable.
I am really looking forward to tomorrow’s Crew Day visit to Ninja Warrior in Sheffield. Just another little reminder that you will need to arrive at school in appropriate clothing: sports wear (preferably full length joggers/leggings which would protect your skin from possible friction burns). In addition, you will require a packed lunch and an extra water bottle would also be a good idea. If the online permission waiver has not yet been completed please do so as a matter of urgency. The link for this can be found on the upper KS2 phase blog – all pupils were shown how to find this in school today so should be able to help their parents/carers to find it.

Thank you for a great first day 6H…let’s rock this year together!
Mrs Haycock