Welcome back 6H!

We’ve had fun getting to know each other in 6H today by playing a variety of different icebreaker games. We have been able to maturely discuss the ‘Norms’ that we would expect to see from all members of the class and have set ourselves personal pledges that are challenging but achievable.

I am really looking forward to tomorrow’s Crew Day visit to Ninja Warrior in Sheffield. Just another little reminder that you will need to arrive at school in appropriate clothing: sports wear (preferably full length joggers/leggings which would protect your skin from possible friction burns). In addition, you will require a packed lunch and an extra water bottle would also be a good idea. If the online permission waiver has not yet been completed please do so as a matter of urgency. The link for this can be found on the upper KS2 phase blog – all pupils were shown how to find this in school today so should be able to help their parents/carers to find it.

Thank you for a great first day 6H…let’s rock this year together!

Mrs Haycock



Hi Plover Parents,

It has been fantastic to see so many children and staff back in school today for our first day back! 🙂

This Thursday 2nd September is KS1 and KS2 Sports day – a celebration for all the community to enjoy, heading into (hopefully) a smoother year!

Parents are INVITED and can access the school field from 9.15am. Chairs/benches will be out on the concrete for parents to sit and watch the track events.

There will be an ice-cream van on the playground for children to purchase an ice cream (with parents supervision) after their running races.

The sports day will look and run slightly different from previous sports days, however we just want it to be a positive and fun start to the year for all children to take part in! It will consist of track races, field events and fun activities.


  • KS1 fun events
  • LKS2 track/running events
  • UKS2 field events


  • LKS2 fun events.
  • UKS2 track/running evenKS1 field events


  • UKS2 fun events.
  • KS1 track/running events
  • LKS2 field e

We ask for children to come in their PE kits and to wear an item of clothing which represents their CREW colour ed, yellow, blue). This may be difficult as your child may have changed crews and may not know their colour, so don’t worry their full PE kit is absolutely fine.

Any questions, please ask your class teacher or email Mr Meade on [email protected]

We look forward to seeing you all support your superstars!


Year 6’s surprise Cleethorpes trip!

What a gorgeous day our Year 6’s have had as their final day of Primary School. Thank you so much to all parents and carers for keeping this trip a surprise. The children were so excited when we told them this morning. It’s been a beautiful day. The children enjoyed time at the beach and in the sea. They enjoyed slushes, ice-cream and a dinner and dessert at Pappa’s on the pier, time in the slots and some souvenir rock. This trip has been fully funded due to continuous fundraising support so thank you all so much again. It’s been a privilege to watch this year group grow this year and we are so sad to see them leave. We will miss them so, so much! Good luck our gorgeous Year 6’s, keep smiling, keep shinning and always remember to be kind, work hard and get smart!
I will aim to have final videos on our social media over the next few days 💙

Thank you again

-Team 6


Leavers picnic and pass out celebrations!

What a glorious day it’s been for our Year 6’s. They enjoyed signing shifts, a picnic with loved ones, an ice cream treat and they then finished off the afternoon having their time to shine and walking down the red carpet to a round of applause from their parents and carers. It’s been a funny year but what a fantastic day today has been and hopefully our Year 6’s will remember today forever.
I just want to take the time again to thank all parents and carers for their continuous support when it’s come to fundraising as today was all paid for by fundraising money- decorations, treats etc. It really is appreciated! We can’t wait to spend tomorrow with our lovely Year 6’s and finally tell them what their last day surprise is!
-Miss Blackham


Leavers hoodies!

The children were buzzing with their leavers hoodies. They especially loved the #LovePlover at the front! A huge shout out to Nicki Reeve for making these gorgeous jumpers for us! Thank you to our entire Plover community who have supported our fundraising meaning there has been no cost to parents for these hoodies. True crew spirit!
-Miss Blackham
