Just a reminder that the London meeting is at 3:15pm tomorrow in my classroom (6B!) Please sign in at the office and I will meet you there ☺️
-Miss Blackham
Just a reminder that the London meeting is at 3:15pm tomorrow in my classroom (6B!) Please sign in at the office and I will meet you there ☺️
-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 have kicked off their expedition hook this morning and took on the role as plague doctors by taking out bacteria from buboes (jam and custard from donuts). They were in shock that doctors thought by cutting open the buboes they would be able to cure the patients! The children loved it!
-Miss Blackham
-Miss Blackham
Crew Meade would like to share their appreciations and congratulations to Y6 for all their hard work this week with sats! #LovePlover
Tomorrow parents can join Year 6 on the field at 1:15pm. Children will be having their dinner as normal and then they will play their rounders match and finish off the day with a bbq. We can’t wait to see you all to celebrate the end of SATs!
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 children can come in non uniform on Friday ready for their rounders match against parents and the BBQ.
Thank you so much for all of the contributions so far!
-Miss Blackham
The SATs breakfast is well underway. Year 6 have got this!
-Miss Blackham
A huge shout out to Paula Windle (Lola’s mum) who is kindly organising a raffle to raise funds for Year 6 leavers. Lots of prizes have been coming in. Tickets will be on sale from Friday 13th May should you wish to purchase any.
Also, a huge shout out to Laura Davies (Bethannie’s mum) who has also been raising money through guess the teddies name.
We are so very grateful for your support.
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 have been given the opportunity to spend some time in the DEN at dinner times. They have been really enjoying their time with Mrs Blackham.
-Miss Blackham