TTRockstars Superstars!

Who are our fastest three TTRockstar superstars this week?

PlaceName/ClassResponse Speed per question
1stCoby 6B0.55 seconds
2ndShang 6C0.66 seconds
3rdRajitha 6C0.98 seconds

A special shout out goes to William from 5K – he has increased his response speed by 0.75 seconds this week.

Keep up the hard work everyone and watch out Coby because Shang is getting quicker by the day!

Mrs Haycock


6B’s Pride of Plover winner is…

The lovely Lacie! You are a shining example of someone who works hard, gets smart and is always kind. You have shown great examples this week of leading your own learning and I can see your confidence growing every day! Keep it up chicken!
-Miss Blackham


6B Plover postcard winners!

Well done to this lovely lot for being awesome this week and winning the Plover postcards. I am so proud of each and every one of you.

Lola- you have really pushed yourself in maths to exceed your ME.

Oliver- you are working so hard to ensure you achieve 85% or above as an average on accelerated reader.

Amez- you have been an excellent role model at leading your own learning. You are always proactive in moving your own learning on and you should be so proud!

Coby- you have worked so hard with your writing this week and I am so proud of all the features you have included.

Marley- your attitude to learning has been exemplary this week and I am so proud of you and the effort you have put in. Keep it up chicken!

-Miss Blackham


5W are scientists!

This week we have loved our science based expedition lessons. The children have been really hands on and took part in an experiment to turn muddy water as clear as possible using only a few pieces of equipment. They used their knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to help them and I saw some excellent leadership and team building skills Well done 5W!

We are scientists!

6B are really enjoying the first case study in this Expedition. They have become fantastic scientists. Today they had a challenge of making muddy water as clean as possible using a range of equipment. They had to use their knowledge of solids, liquids and gasses to decide the best process to make the water as clean as possible. Great team work and resilience was shown by all! Well done superstars!

-Miss Blackham


Marvellous Maison!

A huge well done to our lovely Maison who scored two goals for his team on Sunday. We are so proud of you mate!

It is so lovely to hear about all your stories and adventures as things slowly get back to normal. Please keep your out of school achievements coming in- we love to celebrate them!

-Miss Blackham


Parents meetings!

Good afternoon, thank you so much to those that have sent in their parents meeting request times. I have sent back the confirmed times- please ensure you get these times from your children. If you have any questions, please pop me an email [email protected] and I will be happy to help 🙂