Feel Good Friday

Here is this week’s Feel Good Friday! Thank you to all those who have took part! We are missing you all!

Remember to send your rainbows/NHS posters

Here is a gorgeous example modelled by the lovely Ashton of the rainbow/thank a key worker poster for this weeks video. Please remember you can also send in your videos of your families clapping at 8pm on a Thursday! You can be as creative as you like and the deadline is now Friday 9am to give you time to get everything in. Please email to [email protected]

Feel Good Friday

As always, thank you so much to everyone who gets involved- we love seeing your happy faces! Next week we want to dedicate our video to the NHS and all other key workers so please send in pictures of rainbows, thank you posters, you and your families clapping for the NHS etc (you can be as creative as you like) can we please have all pictures to [email protected] by Friday at 9am.

If you want to be extra creative- have a look at this fabulous signing by Mrs Toyne and share any videos you do to go with our song! click here

VE Day

Today is VE and we have joined up with Green Top Primary to share some of our celebrations so far. Please send us any pictures you take from today of you celebrating at home.

Next week’s video will be our exercise video- this can be any form of exercise from dancing, running, kick ups, bike riding, trampolining (all with social distancing in mind). Please email your pictures to [email protected]

Feel Good Friday!

Here is this week’s Feel Good Friday- I hope you enjoy it! Thank you again to everyone who gets involved! We have had so many this week and it’s been amazing!

Next week we are treating you to two videos:

  1. This video will include your pictures you send to your teachers wearing your PJ’s and reading books for pyjamarma day!
  2. The second video be a fun exercise video- this can be any form of exercise, running, skipping, playing football, riding a bike, trampolining, dancing etc (be as creative and funny as you like with social distancing in mind) and please get all of your household involved! Shout out to Liam’s mum in 6B for getting involved in this one! All videos to [email protected] by Thursday at 4pm!

Happy birthday Captain Tom!

Thank you to everyone who sent in a card for Captain Tom! We have sent this video to his daughter and can’t wait for him to see it! We hope you enjoy it and remember to get involved in our Amarillo video which will be shared tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Pyjamarama day!

Tomorrow we need you in your PJs ALL day! We also need your selfies with you reading books, watching films, playing in the garden (anything at all) but in your pyjamas! Just like these two superstars above!
We also have a competition as to who can read a book in the funniest place at home- be as creative as you can!

Please spread the word! Years 5/6 teachers will be reading to their classes on ‘google hangout’ at 10am, so be online ready to accept your invites!

I will be emailing Captain Tom’s daughter his birthday video from Plover featuring all of your cards and messages. If you want to be included please email your photos to [email protected]

I am loving Angel’s birthday card for him! Well done superstar!

Remember to send your cards to Captain Tom!

Alec and Seb have made captain Tom two fantastic cards! I’ll be making them into a video for him on Wednesday. Please send your creations with your selfies to [email protected] to be included in the video!

Feel good Friday!

Here is this weeks feel good Friday! Thank you so much to everyone who gets involved we really appreciate it!

Next week our video will be ‘this is the way to Amerillo’ so please send us your best marches to [email protected] be as creative as possible! Please ensure they are sent to this email only to be included.

Thank you and enjoy!