Leading our own learning in 6B!

These superstars have been smashing it and I am so, so proud of them! They have been using additional maths resources and videos on our Year 6 maths site to lead their own learning this week. They have been working hard to reflect on their own learning and identify their next steps to ensure they are secure.

Keep it up you lovely lot!

-Miss Blackham


Y6 boosters- early bird sessions.

Early bird/booster sessions are starting WC 30th September. These sessions will be held in 6B from 8:15 Monday-Thursday. These sessions will start with a maths focus and children will have the opportunity to work on their own ares of development in a relaxed setting.

We hope to see ALL children attending and further details will be shared in relation to rewards and incentives for attending these sessions!

Thank you as always to all parents and carers for your continued support.

-Miss Blackham


The sun in relation to the planets

5S have worked hard to conduct some research in books and online about the sun, it’s position in our solar system, and its importance to life on Earth.

They then presented their work to the class where we critiqued one another’s work to produce even better pieces in future – wonderful teamwork and compassion on display from all.

– Mr Schofield

Beautiful home learning

Brooke and Kiara have brought in some beautiful home learning, which has been proudly displayed in our classroom. They have shown others in Y6 and received lots of crew coins for their time and effort.

Well done girls!

London 2025 letter

Please find above all information regarding payments for the London 2025. It is imperative that payment deadlines are met to ensure this trip goes ahead.

If you have any questions- as always- please pop me an email- ablackham@ploverschool.co.uk

-Miss Blackham
