It was lovely to see the children from Polish club teaching and practising the traditional Polish dance ākrakowiaczekā at break time. Miss Danielska was thrilled to see them inspiring others with what they have learnt. Well done guys!
Please get involved in our Easter competition! All entires will be celebrated in an Easter video and shared across our social media, there are also prizes to be won! So get creative and we can’t wait to see what you come up with!
We would be so very grateful to anyone who would like to donate towards our raffle and purchase tickets to raise funds for our Year 6’s leavers hoodies. Please take any donations to 6B (Miss Blackham) and see the above poster for details how to purchase tickets!
It was a very proud moment for me as I stood and watched the Year 3 and 4 children record their charity song at XP school today.
They sounded absolutely wonderful, knew all the lyrics off by heart and were even signing to the words. Their voices were quite angelic and certainly very much in tune.
They worked together so well, listening to each other and following Geoff’s instructions brilliantly.
It was certainly my first ever experience of working with a professional musician and sound engineer and I was so impressed by the professional organisation – it was just like you see on the TV!
I can’t wait to hear what it will sound like when all the school’s recordings are put together to complete the song – watch out Top of the Pops – here we come!! (Well OK , maybe Spotify – I’m showing my age!)
Well done to the winners of the World Book Day competition! Here are the winners with their prizes. Well done and thank you to everyone who entered, there were so many fantastic and creative ideas. They are proudly displayed in phase areas for everyone to enjoy. #LovePlover
What a fantastic trip to XP the digital leaders had today. We worked together to unpick what a good digital leader looks like and what they would be able to do to help teachers throughout the school.
Today we have started a new maths unit on fractions. We have been learning how to find fractions of numbers by sharing. In year 3 we learn how to find 1/2, 1/4, 3/4, 1/3, 1/6 and 1/8. Your 2, 3, 4,6 and 8 times tables will help you so get practicing. Also keep a check on Freckle as there will be activities added through the week.
Well done to the winners of the Air Pollution posters. The winning posters were decided by Doncaster Council and the children were presented with a brand new scooter and a helmet. A big thank you to all the children who designed posters; it was a hard decision to make.