Pride of Plover in KS1

Congratulations to Neriya 1M, Brooke 2B and Karlie-Rose 2P who are this weekā€™s yellow t-shirt winners! They have all been consistently working hard and getting smart by coming to school everyday and being the best version of themselves!
Check out all the superstars who also won a Plover praise post card from their Crew leads in our celebration assembly.
Who will win a postcard this week?


Police Officers Visit Plover 👮🏽👮🏼‍♀️👮🏾‍♂️

This afternoon our children absolutely loved meeting some more expert visitors – who are also real life heroes within our community.
Children asked questions to deepen their understanding of what it entails to be a real life hero. This was such a valuable experience for the children as they can refer to it in their expedition learning.

Thanks to PC Telford, PC Everton and PC Sam for their time and allowing the children to explore the riot van and uniform!

Who would like to be a police officer?


The police visited Plover

As part of Expedition lessons, we had a special visit from some local police officers. Our children had a wonderful afternoon asking questions, trying equipment on and even got to go inside the big riot van. Thank you to those police officers, who kindly took time out of their day, to come and make it special for our key stage 1 children. 😁👍🏼 #loveplover

There are lots of events during the holidays in and around Doncaster!

-Miss Blackham


KS1 Pride of Plover Winners

Congratulations to our Yellow T-shirt winners this week who have displayed the Plover Pledge by working hard, getting smart and being kind!

2B – Skyla for producing beautiful work in English and being super smart all week!

2P – Lawand for always working hard and grappling with his tricky maths!

1N – Craig for completing some wonderful independent writing in English this week!

1M – Anna for always trying so hard either her phonics and reading, but also completing some mind blowing addition and subtraction equations in maths!

We are all so proud of you.


Winner winner American dinner! 🇺🇸

Well done to Lilly-Grace who won 1st place and has won two cinema tickets. Charlie won second place but Ethan (his brother ) is pictured. Charlie won a box of Dunkin donuts and Alec won a popcorn and chocolate sweet box! We hope you enjoy your prizes and we hope you enjoyed the yummy American dinner!

-Miss Blackham
