Year 6 dates for parents!

SATs breakfast- Monday 13th May- Thursday 16th May.

All Y6 are invited to our SATs breakfast at 8:15 each day. Breakfast will be provided for all children and this will be a lovely opportunity for children to chat with their friends and prepare for their SATs.

Friday 17th May- we are inviting all parents to join us on this day at 1:30pm to celebrate our Year 6’s finishing their SATs. We would really appreciate as many of you to join our 6’s as possible as we continue our annual parents vs children rounders match and we will finish the afternoon with a light BBQ.

Please can you confirm your attendance on the 17th May by email by 7th May.

-Miss Blackham


A reminder of Year 5’s dress up day- tomorrow!

On Monday 15th April Year 5 will kick start their summer expedition ‘how does a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?’ by immersing into their history case studies and becoming Egyptians for the day. We would love children to come dressed as Egyptians. We are encouraging parents to make use of any items they already have to avoid purchasing anything new. We hope the ideas above will help. If you are struggling for ideas, please see your child’s class teacher.

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 Easter competition- a £50 voucher for first place!

We have launched our Easter competition this afternoon with a £50 voucher for first prize and a further five £10 vouchers for five more winners! All you have to do to be in it is complete revision during the holidays. Please use your revision books, maths and SPaG site and you can either email your revision to me at [email protected] or return it on the first day back- Monday 15th April.

For every quality piece of revision you complete, you will have your name entered into the prize draw. The winners will be drawn on Tuesday 16th April.

Good luck Year 6 and remember- you have to be in it to win it!

-Miss Blackham


Year 5 Egyptian dress up day- Monday 15th April

On Monday 15th April Year 5 will kick start their summer expedition ‘how does a healthy lifestyle impact your body and mind?’ by immersing into their history case studies and becoming Egyptians for the day. We would love children to come dressed as Egyptians. We are encouraging parents to make use of any items they already have to avoid purchasing anything new. We hope the ideas above will help. If you are struggling for ideas, please see your child’s class teacher.

-Miss Blackham
