Home learning challenge accepted!

Well done to Phoebe and Darcy who accepted my home learning challenge and created two masterpieces of their own! Phoebe baked a Harry Potter themed cake and Darcy made a clay hat.


We are historians!


Hockey Stars!

Thank you 5T, I have really enjoyed my afternoon playing hockey with you all! We had never picked up a hockey stick before this afternoon but you would never know! You were able to hold your sticks properly, have a go at passing the ball, dribbling and shooting at goal! I am looking forward to PE next week already #LovePlover

Halloween Film Night

Just a polite reminder that if your child goes to club on a Thursday night they still need to pay the £2 if they want to go to the film night tomorrow. There will be lots of treats and goodies, it’s going to be a brill night so please pass your £2 to your class teacher. #LovePlover

Today we are Historians

Today, we had a cut up time line and had to look for changes and continuity in the history of Space Travel. Some of us were shocked to learn that animals had been sent in to the universe. Tomorrow we will be looking more deeply into how space travel has changed.
