This week, we have immersed ourselves in our new expedition and have so far drawn plague doctors and began our new book, ‘At the sign of The Sugared Plum.’ The children had some superb ideas from the front cover – the way their thoughts and ideas are maturing is joyful to listen to. We have also looked at timelines. To help us understand how they work, we looked at significant events from our own life and placed them on a timeline from birth to present day. We then thought about historical events and figures. Our next step will be to place them on a timeline. What a wonderful start to the new term, 5T! Keep it up
Well done to these two superstars!
Just look at these two superstars who have absolutely smashed their maths today! They have shown great resilience and determination to succeed. Both girls also asked if they could take their work home to use as a revision poster which I think is an awesome idea. Well done girlies you are both just ace!
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 have been smashing their pledges 💙
Year 6 have started their summer term making pledges. They have identified their areas of development and shared them in crew. The children have then led their own learning by using models to support their learning. The children then took on coaching roles to support their peers. I am so proud of each and everyone of them!
-Miss Blackham
We are artists!
5K have been busy drawing a plague doctor ready for next expedition. We drafted a first copy, critiqued it then completed a best copy. These drawings will be part of our immersion corridor.
Year 6 crucial crew
Just a reminder to our Year 6’s that we need your permission slips returning for our crucial crew visit. If any parents/guardians would like to join us on this trip, please let Miss Blackham know ☺️
Year 6 brioche breakfasts starts again tomorrow- 8:15am
We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow bright and early at brioche breakfast Year 6’s! It has been amazing to see so many of you engaging in extended study at home throughout the holidays! We are nearly there! Remember if you access brioche breakfast three times a week you will be included in the special treat at the last breakfast! So I’m challenging you all to attend!
See you tomorrow ☺️
-Miss Blackham
Great British spring clean 🧽
Great British Spring Clean
Some of Year 5 & Year 6 participated in the Great British Spring Clean this week in conjunction with Mick from Stronger Communities and DMBC.
Unfortunately, due to the strange weather we had that afternoon of strong winds, Hail and snow we were only able to stay within the school grounds. Nevertheless, thanks to Mick and the loan of the litter pickers, we battled the elements and ensured all the litter that had blown onto the school grounds was collected and bagged up.
-Mrs Blackham
Yellow T-shirt winners!
Well done boys. You have both been ace this week. You have both put so much effort into your maths learning this week and I am so proud of you both. You really are superstars! 🌟
-Miss Blackham
UKS2’s Plover’s got talent contestants!
A huge shout out to all KS2 pupils who entered Plover’s got talent. You should all be so proud of yourselves. Especially as so many of you have never preformed in front of an audience before and it takes a lot of courage to do that, especially when it’s your first time. You were all absolutely fantastic and totally deserve the ten crew coins you received. Here are a few pictures from UKS2 pupils 💙
-Miss Blackham
Swimming lessons start in April
We are pleased to announce that swimming lessons will be starting Thursday 21st April for Year 5 when we return from our Easter break.
All Year 5 children will be given a letter tonight for parents/carers to fill in. Children will need a one piece swimming costume [girls] in black or dark blue. Boys will need a pair of trunks [not swim shorts as they are not allowed]. All children will need a towel and a warm coat for when we return from the pool.