How kind of these three lovely children and their parents that they have donated all of these amazing sweet treats for our treats for our chocolate bingo. Thank you so much!
-Miss Blackham
How kind of these three lovely children and their parents that they have donated all of these amazing sweet treats for our treats for our chocolate bingo. Thank you so much!
-Miss Blackham
Year 5/6’s spent last Friday washing members of staff’s cars as part of our latest Expedition- why is important to look after ourselves and each other? The children have learnt all about how important it is to eat healthily. They decided to spend their money on a rage of healthy items to support our Plover community during these difficult times. Above is our donations from the children. Please remember to visit the Plover pantry every Thursday 9-10:30am which is a pay as you feel service allowing our Plover families to purchase foods to help them during these difficult times with the increased cost of living.
-Miss Blackham
We are beginning to think ahead to next year and our Autumn Expedition in LKS2.
Do you know anybody (Grandparents, family members, friends or organisations) who would be willing to share their experiences of World War (at home or in the forces) with our children to help them with their learning?
If you know of anyone, please could you let Mrs Graves know, so that we can begin to plan ahead.
Thank you for your support,
Mrs Graves
Today yearās 5&6 children washed staff cars to raise funds to buy healthy foods to donate to our Plover pantry. As part of our expeditionary learning we have been looking at the importance of eating a balanced diet. We therefore decided to raise funds so we can provide a selection of healthy foods. Thank you to all staff members who allowed us to wash your cars!
-Miss Blackham
Just a reminder to 5/6 parents to ensure children come to school wearing sun cream and they have appropriate protection from the sun such as hats snd sunglasses if you feel necessary for when they are outside. Extra water is also advised. Thank you for your support.
-Miss Blackham
Unfortunately, due to other schools commitments this Fridays Y5/6 tag rugby tournament has been postponed.
We have rearranged it and will let you know as soon as the date is confirmed!
Mr Meade
-Miss Blackham
5K have been experimenting to see the affects of a healthy and unhealthy lifestyle on our circulatory system. The groups had different widths of piping for the arteries and different equipment to represent how quickly or slowly the blood could be moved around our bodies.
A huge shout out to Razvan, Matthew, William, Anez, Mohammed, Kyle, Shyaw, Shashank, Abdul, John-Henry, Corey, Harrison, Agrima, Ashton, Noah and Dalton!
These footballers represented Plover superbly this afternoon at the XP football tournament, showing courage, sportsmanship and played some great football!
Unfortunately, our teams didn’t win the trophy but they were in with a chance of winning it going into the last game! Well done to Green Top 🏆
Thank you parents for your cooperation and support!
We are proud of every single person who took part this afternoon!🙌🏽😅☀️⚽️🥇
Mr Meade