Year 5/6 reading challenge!

Calling all year 5/6 childrenā€¦ do you want to be in with a chance to win a Ā£25 voucher to spend at Intake fish and chipsā€¦ to treat your family to a chippy tea? Well listen up! From Monday, you will each be given a reading record and every time you read to an adult at home and they sign it, you will get a ticket into the draw. The winner will be selected on Thursday 14th October!

If you are struggling to read at home, you can opt to read to me at break times and I can sign this for you.
Letā€™s get reading!

-Miss Blackham


We are scientists!

Today 6H have been scientists. We have examined a variety of nappy brands, looked at their properties and predicted which brand we thought would be the most absorbent. We could not believe quite how much liquid the nappies soaked up. One brand far outweighed the others in absorbency…I wonder if your child can tell you how they carried out their investigation and what their findings were.

Mrs Haycock


We are Crew Haycock!

Crew Haycock have been thinking about how often we read and the variety of ways in which we do this. They created reading rivers. Many children were surprised by what they read without even realising it – like road signs and packaging.

Mrs Haycock



Kixx Afterschool Clubs


If your child attends a Kixx afterschool club it will finish at 4.15pm and pick up will be from the main entrance.

Tuesdays: Year 1/2 3.15pm-4.15pm

Wednesdays: Year 3/4 3.15pm-4.15pm

Thursdays: Year 5/6 3.15pm-4.15pm

Thank you for your cooperation


Did you know that NASA developed nappies for their astronauts?

6H have been investigating the use of nappies in space travel. They were amazed to discover that NASA have developed special adult sized nappies so that their astronauts can go to the toilet whilst on spacewalks. Tomorrow we will be investigating which brand of nappy is the most absorbent.

Mrs Haycock


Year 6- Star gazing on Thursday night

Just a reminder that Year 6 stargazing is Thursday. We are asking for a contribution of Ā£1.50 to cover the bbq costs and we will be having hot chocolates and marshmallows! We are so excited to launch our new expedition in this exciting way! Please ask your childā€™s class teacher if you have any questions!
Children can be collected at 9:30pm

-Miss Blackham


Fantastic fact splats!


Sports Day Winners!🏆🏅

Congratulations to all of Crew Plover who participated in last Thursdays sports day – children you were awesome, staff you were superb organisers and parents/carers you were fantastic support!

We hope you all enjoyed it, as it was a brilliant way to welcome everyone back and start the school year!

The overall Crew colour winners was 🥁🥁🥁🥁 YELLOW CREW 🟡🟡🟡🟡🏆 who will be awarded the trophy at this weeks Pride Of Plover assembly.

Check out all the individual medal winners below:


Ninja warrior crew trip!

Year 5&6 had lots of fun today at ninja warrior as part of their crew team building day! We had lots of children overcome fears and push themselves outside of their comfort zones! Please keep checking your childrenā€™s class blogs to see photos of their day!

-Miss Blackham
