Y5/6 Police Community Day

Years 5 and 6 have been busy thinking about how to keep themselves safe in the community that they live. Road safety is paramount in this. We have learnt about the various types of road crossings in our area and others that we may come across when walking around.

In addition, we have also considered how our clothing, and the behaviours we display, can also impact on our safety when out and about.

I wonder what our anti-social behaviour session will bring next.

Mrs Haycock


We are biologists!

Learning about animal classification and adaptation had us puzzled and curious at first; however we were quickly enraptured and learnt a lot of new vocabulary which we can use to become better biologists in our new case study. Lucas’ transformation into a meerkat was entertaining to say the least! Sorry Lucas – but you did help us to understand why animals adapt to the environment that they live in along with the opposable thumbs V’s no opposable thumbs game!

Mrs Haycock


We are environment explorers!

We had the pleasure a visiting Tropical World today and what a great day it has been! Seeing some of the animals that we have heard about during this expedition with our own eyes and experiencing the humidity of the rainforest versus the dryness of the air in the dessert was quite an experience. These photos show how much the children enjoyed, it…

Mrs Haycock


We can coach our classmates!

We have been recapping how to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions today. How brave were these members of 6H when they offered to model how they came to their answers! Well done for conquering those fear demons too. Keep going, everyone in 6H…together: ‘We’ve got this!’

You ‘nailed it’ today, Ksawery! 😃 l

Tomorrow, be prepared for adding and subtracting fractions without common denominators. Let’s keep increasing those arithmetic scores people!

Mrs Haycock


More awesome home learning!

William is a home learning machine! I can always count on him for working as hard at home as he does in school. Well done young man – what a mature attitude you have!

Mrs Haycock
